
Scientists Confirm Link Between Autism and COVID Jabs

Scientists Confirm Link Between Autism and COVID Jabs

adminMay 2, 20241 min read

Scientists Confirm Link Between Autism and COVID Jabs

Scientists have confirmed the shocking link between taking the COVID-19 vaccine and developing Autism. According to new research, the human body suffers a Cell Danger Response (CDR) shortly after being injected with mRNA, which soon […]

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Saudi Arabia To Begin Imprisoning Citizens Who Criticise Israel on Social Media

Saudi Arabia To Begin Imprisoning Citizens Who Criticise Israel on Social Media

adminMay 2, 20241 min read

Saudi Arabia To Begin Imprisoning Citizens Who Criticise Israel on Social Media

Saudi Arabia has announced that police will begin arresting citizens who speak out against Israel on Social Media. According to reports, the Saudi regime is clamping down on people who post anti-Israeli content online following […]

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Shock Video: Pack Of Dogs Maul Man Until Cop Starts Firing Shots

Shock Video: Pack Of Dogs Maul Man Until Cop Starts Firing Shots

adminMay 2, 20242 min read

Shock Video: Pack Of Dogs Maul Man Until Cop Starts Firing Shots

Disturbing footage should be run on television as a Second Amendment promo

Footage out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shows the moment a pack of aggressive canines tackled and mauled a man walking down the street before a police officer was forced to open fire.

At the beginning of the video, the man filming said, “This pit just fucked somebody up, dude,” as the pack was seen running and a police car chirped its siren.


Stay strapped frens


Next, the dogs jumped on a nearby pedestrian, tackled him to the ground and brutally attacked him.

A pair of bystanders who tried helping the man were also attacked by the out-of-control animals.

It wasn’t until citizens begged the police officer sitting in his squad car and watching the incident to “shoot the motherfuckers, please” that the cop exited the vehicle.

“Shoot! Shoot!” yelled observers as the cop pulled his gun out and finally fired off a few shots at the dogs who were literally eating the man alive.

The gunshots were able to free the man from the canine attack and one of the dogs appeared to be hit.

According to NBC 10, a Pitbull was shot in Philadelphia by a police officer earlier this month after it attacked a Pomeranian and turned on the cop who tried stopping the assault.

This is another reason why citizens should be allowed to carry their own guns instead of waiting on police officers to save them.

<div>Huge! Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Behind Japan’s Framework For Global AI & 6G Regulations Adopted By EU</div>

Huge! Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Behind Japan’s Framework For Global AI & 6G Regulations Adopted By EU

adminMay 2, 20243 min read
Globalist technocracy being built as we speak

A blatant globalist technocrat takeover of fields such as Artificial Intelligence and 6G is taking place with Japan acting as the point man

The Associated Press on Thursday ran the headline, “Japan’s Kishida unveils a framework for global regulation of generative AI.”

The article explains Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has publicly revealed an “international framework” for regulating AI technologies, called, “the Hiroshima AI Process Friends Group.”

AP also reported, “49 countries and regions have signed up to the voluntary framework,” while noting the EU, UN, USA, China and other nations “have been racing” to create their own set of regulations.

However, the EU has already backed the Japanese framework, releasing a joint statement on Tuesday, two days before Kishida’s announcement.

We have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Japan on digital identities and trust services.

It will simplify processes, boosting online commerce and creating new business opportunities ????

From AI to 6G, we work together with Japan for a secure digital future.#DigitalEU

— European Commission (@EU_Commission) April 30, 2024

Japan’s Digital Partnership Council held its second meeting with the EU on Tuesday, resulting in an agreement that had the EU promise Japan it will promote the Hiroshima AI Process to G7 nations and beyond.

<div>Huge! Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Behind Japan’s Framework For Global AI & 6G Regulations Adopted By EU</div>

The Japanese framework was created with assistance from Big Tech companies Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services, Oracle and others.

The companies helped the Japanese government figure out how to deploy AI in government services to combat employee shortages in addition to helping create the legal framework being promoted to other countries.

Nikkei Asia reported Tuesday, “Japanese municipalities are joining the private sector in adopting AI to try to cope with labor shortages and work more efficiently. This month, Osaka introduced generative AI for government use that can assist in document creation and summarization as well as project planning.”

The people of Japan may be the guinea pigs for the New World Order AI slave system, but at least there won’t be as many bear attacks!

Fortune Magazine promoted the AI system as a way to save lives lost to wild bears.

Japan has had so many bear attacks in the past year it’s turning to AI to act as a warning system

— FORTUNE (@FortuneMagazine) May 1, 2024

The globalists use different countries to test out their dystopian schemes and technologies with the endgame of merging them all into a worldwide prison planet where their AI system rules over humanity.

Follow the author on X @kelenmcbreen

HPV-Shot-Induced Cervical Cancer Killed Young Woman — Lawsuit

HPV-Shot-Induced Cervical Cancer Killed Young Woman — Lawsuit

adminMay 2, 20243 min read

HPV-Shot-Induced Cervical Cancer Killed Young Woman — Lawsuit

The cervical cancer shot caused cervical cancer – lawsuit alleges.

A lawsuit has been filed against the pharmaceutical company Merck regarding a 22-year-old woman who died due to cervical cancer, likely caused by the cervical cancer vaccine ‘Gardasil’, according to the suit.

The lawsuit, which is seeking punitive damages, alleges that Merck falsely promoted their HPV vaccination ‘Gardasil’ an inoculation for cancer prevention, while neglecting to advise parents and patients of the shot’s severe risks.

The plaintiff, Erin Ferguson, is the mother of the deceased, Haley, who was vaccinated for HPV at age of 13. The girl developed abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, abnormal bleeding and heavy periods, among other side effects post injection.

At the age of 18 Haley was diagnosed with metastatic cervical cancer/adenocarcinoma of the cervix, for which she underwent a salpingectomy (removal of the fallopian tubes), along with a bilateral ovarian transposition surgery. She also received chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Despite the surgery, chemicals and radiation, the cervical cancer spread to her liver, skin, uterus and eventually her lymph nodes.

“After each new tumor appeared in a different organ, Haley underwent various forms of chemotherapy and combinations of treatments, along with stronger rounds of radiation,” The Defender said. “She endured excruciating pain, lost her hair and developed severe skin irritation. She required oxycodone and morphine to manage the pain.”

Haley died on May 22, 2023.

Her mother maintains the cause of the deadly cervical cancer was the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil.

Before she died, Haley wrote a petition to the vaccine court about how her life had been destroyed.

“I wonder every day if everything would be different if I would not have gotten this vaccine. If I would be a normal young adult starting my life in the real world and not feeling horrible every day of my life because I am in so much pain from the cancer spreading,” Haley said according to an article in The Defender. “I do not want to die at such a young age and hope that I can help get the word out there that this vaccine is not for everyone and my life could have been so different had we known.”

Attorneys from Wisner Baum are representing the Fergusons in the case against Merck for the death of their daughter. The firm specializes in cases involving pharmaceutical deaths and offers free case evaluations.

AI COUP: AI Systems Now Taking Control of Cars, Phones and YOU

Covid Injection Could Cause a Headache That Turns to Seizures That Turns to Death — Study

Covid Injection Could Cause a Headache That Turns to Seizures That Turns to Death — Study

adminMay 2, 20244 min read

Covid Injection Could Cause a Headache That Turns to Seizures That Turns to Death — Study

Covid-shot-headaches may just be the sensation of the brain being damaged.

A study published April 29 documented the case of a 73-year-old man who received a Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine. The man developed a headache that was followed by seizures, loss of consciousness and finally death, just 40 hours post injection.

The study, ‘An Autopsy Case of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome After a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination’ indicated that a form of brain damage can occur rapidly after covid inoculation administration.

“An autopsy revealed multiple brain ischemia without any vascular lesions, suggesting reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS),” the study said. “Our case suggests that RCVS could be a cause of headache and epilepsy following the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.”

The researchers said in the ‘Introduction’ section of the paper that headaches are a very common occurrence after the vaccination, and some of these headaches are a symptom of an underlying effect on the brain that causes death.

“…the vaccine can cause adverse effects such as headaches, fever, fatigue, and local reactions. Headache is the most common neurological side effect experienced by more than half of the recipients. The causes of headaches range from tension-type headaches to strokes. Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) may occur after mRNA vaccination against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causing severe headaches and death,” the study said.

It is worth noting that the patient in question was currently hospitalized for heart issues before administration of the vaccination, yet the cause of death was neurological, not cardiological in nature. The patient had no history of neurological illness.

“hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. His past medical history includes hypertension, osteoporosis, and giant cell arteritis. The patient denied any past medical history of neurological disorders,” the paper said in ‘Case Presentation’ section.

Also of note, the headache, seizure and death followed the administration of the patient’s third Covid inoculation dose, as is reported in the ‘Case Presentation’ section.

In the ‘Discussion’ section, the researchers deduced that the vaccination did indeed cause rapidly-induced brain damage, referred to as ‘acute ischemic brain injury’, leading to death. The headache was just the sensation of the brain being damaged.

“Here, we report a case in which the cause of sudden death one day after the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was found to be RCVS on autopsy. In this case, the vaccination appeared to have resulted in RCVS. The findings in this case suggest the pathophysiology of sudden death and neurological side effects, including headache, which is one of the most common complications of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination,” the paper said in the ‘Discussion’ section.

Interestingly, the paper recommends MRI and MRA scans for patients who experience headaches post-vaccination, despite it also reporting that 50 to 70 percent of vaccinated individuals will experience a vaccine-induced headache.

“If patients complain of headaches after the SARS-CoV2 vaccination, imaging studies, including MRI and MRA, should be considered,” the paper said in the ‘Conclusions’ section.

In addition to the lethal headaches, the Covid shots are also known to increase in lethality after repeated doses, cause miscarriages and cause deadly heart inflammation.

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