
Veteran Activists Trained US Students for Months Ahead of Pro-Palestinian Outcry – Reports

Veteran Activists Trained US Students for Months Ahead of Pro-Palestinian Outcry – Reports

adminMay 4, 20242 min read

Veteran Activists Trained US Students for Months Ahead of Pro-Palestinian Outcry – Reports

Political tactics that have served as the basis for some of the student demonstrations are the result of many months of training with longtime activists and support from left-wing groups

The ongoing pro-Palestinian protests by US students were preceded by months of training with experienced activists, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Saturday.

On Friday, US media reported that at least 2,000 people had been arrested across the United States in recent weeks for their participation in pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses.

The political tactics that have served as the basis for some of the student demonstrations are the result of many months of training with longtime activists and support from left-wing groups, WSJ reported, though adding that there is no central command controlling the pro-Palestinian student movement.

A few months before the spark of the protests, demonstration organizers at Columbia University launched consultations with such groups as the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) and veterans of the student protests, the newspaper reported.

The NSJP has reportedly urged US students to stand against those colleges that invest in ventures that conduct business with Israel until they abandon this policy.

Numerous pro-Palestinian demonstrations have rocked college campuses across the US in recent weeks as protesters are urging an end to US military, financial and diplomatic support for Israel’s military operations in the Gaza Strip, which have resulted in the deaths of more than 34,600 Palestinians. 

Students are also calling on their universities to condemn Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, to divest from companies linked to Israel and discontinue programs of study abroad at Israeli universities.

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Oklahoma Governor Signs Law Cracking Down on Illegal Immigration – While Boosting Foreign Labor In State

Oklahoma Governor Signs Law Cracking Down on Illegal Immigration – While Boosting Foreign Labor In State

adminMay 4, 20245 min read

Oklahoma Governor Signs Law Cracking Down on Illegal Immigration – While Boosting Foreign Labor In State

Gov. Stitt invites Mexican diplomat to help craft Oklahoma labor and immigration policy

Oklahoma’s Republican Governor Kevin Stitt just signed HB 4156, criminalizing illegal immigration as “impermissible occupation.” This law allows Oklahoma to remove and even imprison illegal aliens.

But simultaneously, Gov. Stitt set up a task force to promote amnesty and more foreign labor in the state of Oklahoma.

You can see the contradiction on Stitt’s gubernatorial website in a document entitled, “Governor Stitt Signs Bill to Defend Oklahomans from Biden’s Open Border Policies, Launches Task Force to Find Legal Pathways for Workers.”

I just signed HB 4156 in response to Biden’s failure to secure the southern border— we must be a law and order state.

I’m also announcing the launch of a Task Force to explore opportunities for those here contributing to our communities and economy.

— Governor Kevin Stitt (@GovStitt) April 30, 2024

Here’s how Stitt explains the task force:

“…[T]his is an opportunity for our state to continue to find solutions where the federal government has failed. That is why I am launching the Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visas (OSWPV) Task Force to find ways to bolster our workforce and create opportunities for those who are here contributing to our communities and economy. As I’ve said many times, governors should have more authority over the H1-B visa process so we can better address the workforce needs of our economies. This task force will be a step in that direction.”

How many working class Oklahomans struggle to make ends meet? Go to Oklahoma City and you can see many homeless people.

But the governor of Oklahoma’s priority is promoting foreign labor.

Stitt’s executive order practically apologizes for his signing of HB 4156:

“WHEREAS, I have been clear that House Bill 4156 is not aimed at the honest, hardworking Hispanic or other international migrant populations here chasing the American dream, enhancing our communities, economies, and way of life, and otherwise significantly contributing to Oklahoma’s tapestry…”

This is typical pro-illegal immigration rhetoric.

If they are illegalaliens they need to be removed from “Oklahoma’s tapestry.”

“WHEREAS, the current federal administration has refused to responsibly issue work permits or visas to thousands of immigrants who have long filled gaps in Oklahoma’s workforce…”

Amazing. Stitt is criticizing the Biden administration for not bringing in enough immigrants! His solution?

“…[W]e must do our part to discover and provide pathways for migrant workers to legitimately contribute to our state without fear of being separated from their families and livelihoods and for Oklahoma businesses to hire and retain those valuable workers without unwarranted risk of deportation…”

Gov. Stitt justifies illegal immigration with the typical rhetoric to which we’ve grown accustomed.

Note this part:

“…for Oklahoma businesses to hire and retain those valuable workers without unwarranted risk of deportation.”

That’s an admission that he’s referring to illegal aliens. If they weren’t illegal they wouldn’t be at risk of deportation.

The executive order establishes the Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visas (OSWPV) Task Force with these purposes:

1. Allow for immigrants here to pursue the American dream and contribute to our work force to secure work permits, work visas or similar documentation permitting them, to remain for established timeframes without threat of separation from their families and livelihood and

2. Provide universities, aviation companies, farmers and ranchers, oil and gas companies, and other industries Oklahoma heavily relies upon as its economic engine, the ability to hire and retain immigrants who do not present a threat to communities.

The goal here is a public-private partnership to increase cheap foreign labor in Oklahoma, at the expense of workers in the state.

The 11-person task force is composed of various Oklahoma officials, special appointees and the “Consul of Mexico in Oklahoma City or her designee.”

Check it out – a foreign diplomat on a state policy task force.

Edurne Pineda is the blonde Mexican consul in Oklahoma City, who publicly campaigned against HB 4156 and spoke to Governor Stitt about it.

Stitt actually said he would like Edurne Pineda to help draft Oklahoma legislation on this issue.

Oklahoma’s governor reluctantly signed HB 4156 under pressure. But no problem, he can sabotage it with the help of the Mexican consul and the cheap labor lobby.

Think about it: Governor Stitt has invited a foreign diplomat to help craft Oklahoma labor and immigration policy.

Any American who cares about American workers and American sovereignty needs to keep a close eye on Governor Kevin Stitt.

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Just a Handful of Drink Companies Are Driving the Worldwide Plastic Crisis

Just a Handful of Drink Companies Are Driving the Worldwide Plastic Crisis

adminMay 4, 20243 min read

Just a Handful of Drink Companies Are Driving the Worldwide Plastic Crisis

A small number of global corporations are producing vast amounts of plastic that ends up polluting the environment

A new study suggests that just five companies, including Coca Cola and PepsiCo, are producing nearly a quarter of all the world’s branded plastic pollution.

The study, published in the journal Science Advances, used data from more than 1,500 litter surveys conducted worldwide in 84 different countries, between 2018 and 2022. Volunteers cleaned up over 1.8 million items of plastic waste from parks, beaches, streets and other public spaces, and noted the brands and labels on every piece of litter, if they were still visible.

Researchers linked the brands to their parent companies, and were then able to quantify exactly how much of the branded litter was attributable to those parent companies.

The largest source of branded plastic pollution was the Coca Cola Company, which was responsible for 11% of all waste identified worldwide. In second place was PepsiCo, with 5%, then Nestlé (3%), Danone (3%) and Altria (2%). Altria is one of the world’s most important producers of tobacco, cigarettes and other related products.

Together, those five corporations were responsible for 24% of all branded plastic waste surveyed.


A new study suggests that thousands of chemicals, a significant proportion of which scientists know nothing about, are leaching into foods from plastic containers. ?

— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) April 27, 2024

Over half of the branded plastic waste could be traced to a group of 56 corporations.

Given that significant amounts of the plastic waste no longer contained legible branding material, the true contributions of corporations like Coca Cola would almost certainly be significantly higher.

The study authors say the new research makes clear the role that corporations must play in helping to address global plastic pollution.

“Reduced plastic production is a primary solution to curb plastic pollution,” the researchers conclude.

“Producer brand managers and policymakers should prioritize solutions that reduce plastic production.”

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Prosecutors Admit Trump Evidence Has Been Tampered With, in Stunning Revelation

Prosecutors Admit Trump Evidence Has Been Tampered With, in Stunning Revelation

adminMay 4, 20243 min read

Prosecutors Admit Trump Evidence Has Been Tampered With, in Stunning Revelation

Prosecutor Jack Smith’s team was forced to admit that evidence had not been preserved properly

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution team has admitted that vital evidence in former president Trump’s classified documents case was tampered with after being seized by the FBI, and that prosecutors misled the court about this.

In a fresh filing, the prosecution team told Judge Aileen Cannon that the order of documents in some of the boxes of memos seized from Mar-a-Lago was altered.

“Since the boxes were seized and stored, appropriate personnel have had access to the boxes for several reasons, including to comply with orders issued by this Court in the civil proceedings noted above, for investigative purposes, and to facilitate the defendants’ review of the boxes,” the filing states.

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans.”

A footnote to the filing contains an acknowledgement that the prosecutors had misled the court when it previously declared that the evidence in the boxes had remained in the same state as when it was seized.

“The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court,” states the footnote.

According to Just the News, the ordering of the documents is likely to play a key role in Trump’s defence. Trump will argue that the documents were stored in the White House in chronological order when President Trump received them, and that they were then sent to Mar-a-Lago in that order, which shows that Trump did not access them or know they contained classified materials.

Alan Dershowitz told Just the News that, although the prosecutors are trying to play down the implications of the new filing, it is an admission of evidence-tampering.

“Prosecutors and investigators should never tamper with or alter evidence in their possession, including the order of documents in a box because one never knows what may become relevant or crucial to a court or jury later in a case,” Dershowitz said.

These sentiments were echoed by one of Trump’s former defence attorneys, Tim Parlatore, who described the admission as “stunning on multiple levels.”

“For prosecutors who are trying to prove that the defendants knowingly possessed these documents to then destroy the evidence that would undermine that claim is a very serious violation,” he said.

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Biden Regime Grants Netanyahu ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ Against ICC Arrest Warrants for Crimes Against Humanity

Biden Regime Grants Netanyahu ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ Against ICC Arrest Warrants for Crimes Against Humanity

adminMay 4, 20241 min read

Biden Regime Grants Netanyahu ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ Against ICC Arrest Warrants for Crimes Against Humanity

President Biden has assured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he will be protected from war crimes charges in Gaza, despite the threat of arrest warrants being issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC). In […]

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Australia To Make ‘Misogynistic’ Speech on Social Media a Criminal Offence

Australia To Make ‘Misogynistic’ Speech on Social Media a Criminal Offence

adminMay 4, 20241 min read

Australia To Make ‘Misogynistic’ Speech on Social Media a Criminal Offence

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced plans to crack down on “misogynistic” content online by making misogyny a criminal offence in Australia. The crackdown on free speech comes amid the Australian government’s focus on […]

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