
H5N1 Bird Flu Makes Historic Jump From Mammals to Humans Shortly After Bill Gates Unveiled New Vaccine

H5N1 Bird Flu Makes Historic Jump From Mammals to Humans Shortly After Bill Gates Unveiled New Vaccine

adminMay 4, 20241 min read

H5N1 Bird Flu Makes Historic Jump From Mammals to Humans Shortly After Bill Gates Unveiled New Vaccine

A Texan farm worker has contracted bird flu from an infected cow, marking the first time the HSN1 virus has been recorded spreading from mammals to humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and […]

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Victory! Biden Shuts Down Controversial DHS ‘Experts’ Panel in Wake of Lawsuit

Victory! Biden Shuts Down Controversial DHS ‘Experts’ Panel in Wake of Lawsuit

adminMay 4, 20244 min read

Victory! Biden Shuts Down Controversial DHS ‘Experts’ Panel in Wake of Lawsuit

Biden regime agrees to disband Homeland Intelligence Experts Group following lawsuit brought by America First Legal.

The Biden administration has agreed to shut down a nascent Department of Homeland Security intelligence “experts” group in the wake of a lawsuit brought by America First Legal (AFL).

AFL’s lawsuit from November claimed the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group was a partisan organization and not neutral, citing the fact that 98% the political contributions of those named to the group went to Democrats.

The Biden administration agreed to wind down the group within 30 days and surrender it documents to AFL contingent on the dismissal of its lawsuit.

“The Experts Group shall be wound down within thirty (30) days of the entry of the Order, it will not hold any future meetings, and the Department will not reconstitute the Experts Group inconsistent with the FACA or the Homeland Security Act of 2002. The Department will also provide the Experts Group meeting agendas and meeting minutes with participant identifying information redacted within fifteen (15) days of the entry of the Order,” it said.


The Biden Admin will dissolve & disband its unlawful DHS Intelligence Experts Group stacked with deep state partisans like James Clapper and John Brennan following our lawsuit with @RichardGrenell

They are also turning over their internal docs to our possession:

— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) May 3, 2024

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group in September 2023.

“The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners,” Mayorkas had said in a statement

The group had included highly political former intelligence officials like former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan, who knowingly lied in a letter by 51 intelligence officials claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”

/4 Members of this radical committee include:

?John Brennan and James Clapper are two of the leaders in the “Letter of 51” who used their “intelligence credentials” to mislead the American public on the veracity of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election. They…

— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) May 3, 2024

Immediately after DHS formed the Group, Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), and Roger Marshall (R-Kansas) sent a letter to Mayorkas demanding “DHS immediately rescind the appointments of these known purveyors of disinformation to the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group.”

“DHS formed this so-called ‘Homeland Intelligence Experts Group’ in September 2023, in its own words, ‘to provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts,’” America First Legal wrote on X Friday.

“However, it was not actually intended to provide unbiased, expert advice to advance the Department of Homeland Security’s mission; instead, it was a completely partisan group designed to provide top cover for the Department’s radical agenda under the leadership of Secretary Mayorkas.”

AFL President and former Trump adviser Stephen Miller hailed the disbandment of the advisory group as a victory.

“As a result of our lawsuit in federal court, DHS is surrendering in total to our demands: they are closing down their new partisan intelligence board featuring Clapper and Brennan — which would have been used to promote censored, unethical spying, and gross civil rights invasions of political enemies — and they are surrendering their documents, handing them over to our possession. We won. We beat Biden and DHS,” he said in a statement.

Follow Jamie White on X | Truth | Gab | Gettr | Minds



adminMay 4, 20242 min read


Is the jab a ticking time bomb? How many were real?

Josh Sigurdson reports on the claims of Dr. Dolores Cahill that those who got the COVID “vaccines” will ALL be dead within a few years.

While the claim is quite outlandish, it’s not really that far off. Of course a LARGE percentage of the COVID fake “vaccines” were just saline water and others didn’t actually contain the mRNA claimed.

It would have been far too obvious for 50% of the world to suddenly start dying. Still, tens of millions of people took the actual mRNA injections and if they missed it the first or second time, if they’ve had 4 or 5 shots, it’s unlikely they totally avoided it. We are seeing countless studies showing mass deaths of men, women and children and it cannot be ignored.

We’ve been trying to warn people from the very beginning about this mass die off to come. Every year, more people are dying than the last despite less people getting injected each year.

With that said, of those death, it’s mostly only among the vaccinated. Astra Zeneca has admitted their injections cause heart defects. Moderna has acknowledged that their injections cause cancer. Pfizer was just caught red-handed covering up cancer data which pairs with the same SV-40 in Moderna’s mRNA death shots.

As we’ve been reporting for years, the first example of so-called “SARS-CoV-2” was from a DARPA document in 2018 to Anthony Fauci. In the document, they call SARS-CoV-2 a “vaccine induced illness.” It’s always been the vaccines. There was never a “COVID virus.”

People can throw conjecture to the wind as much as they want. Show an isolate. You can’t. The jabs are causing a massive swath of death. Arizona’s GOP has just labeled covid shots a “bioweapon.” Despite all of this, major organizations are still calling on children and pregnant women to be injected with these mass murder shots.

There’s a war on and it’s not against left or right, it’s not racial. It’s a war on humanity itself. Fight back.

Jack Smith’s Team Admits Key Evidence in Trump’s Document Case Has Been Tampered With

Jack Smith’s Team Admits Key Evidence in Trump’s Document Case Has Been Tampered With

adminMay 4, 20243 min read

Jack Smith’s Team Admits Key Evidence in Trump’s Document Case Has Been Tampered With

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,” prosecutors admit in legal filing to Judge Aileen Cannon.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team admitted that key evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents criminal case was tampered with since it was seized by the FBI.

They even admitted that prosecutors misled the court about it for a period of time, a revelation that could pose serious problems for Smith’s case.

“Since the boxes were seized and stored, appropriate personnel have had access to the boxes for several reasons, including to comply with orders issued by this Court in the civil proceedings noted above, for investigative purposes, and to facilitate the defendants’ review of the boxes,” Smith’s team wrote in a new court filing to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Friday.

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,” the prosecutors wrote.

Smith’s team even conceded in a footnote that it had misled the court about the problem by previously stating that the evidence had remained in the exact state it had been seized. 

“The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court,” the footnote reads.

But Smith’s prosecutors also tried downplaying the problem by claiming that the order of the documents and boxes could have been scrambled or rearranged since the government took possession of them.

“There are several possible explanations, including the above-described instances in which the boxes were accessed, as well as the size and shape of certain items in the boxes possibly leading to movement of items,” the prosecutors wrote. “For example, the boxes contain items smaller than standard paper such as index cards, books, and stationary, which shift easily when the boxes are carried, especially because many of the boxes are not full.”

But legal experts told Just The News that this development could spell trouble for Smith’s case.

“Prosecutors and investigators should never tamper with or alter evidence in their possession, including the order of documents in a box because one never knows what may become relevant or crucial to a court or jury later in a case,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said.

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, who had worked on Trump’s team in the documents case, claimed “this admission is stunning on multiple levels.”

“But at a deeper level, the loss of specific document locations is a destruction of exculpatory evidence,” he said. “I went through all of the boxes at NARA and the document order was important because it was clear to us that the boxes had been untouched since leaving the White House.”

“For prosecutors who are trying to prove that the defendants knowingly possessed these documents to then destroy the evidence that would undermine that claim is a very serious violation,” he added.

Read Jack Smith’s filing:

Follow Jamie White on X | Truth | Gab | Gettr | Minds

Chris Cuomo, Who Pushed Covid Jabs on CNN, Admits Moderna Vaccine Destroyed His Health

Chris Cuomo, Who Pushed Covid Jabs on CNN, Admits Moderna Vaccine Destroyed His Health

adminMay 4, 20241 min read

Chris Cuomo, Who Pushed Covid Jabs on CNN, Admits Moderna Vaccine Destroyed His Health

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo was an advocate for the Covid mRNA vaccinations during the pandemic, encouraging his audience to get jabbed. Cuomo received two Moderna shots and felt so strongly about the vaccine rollout […]

The post Chris Cuomo, Who Pushed Covid Jabs on CNN, Admits Moderna Vaccine Destroyed His Health appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Watch: Trump Ad Targeting Black Voters CENSORED By Google

Watch: Trump Ad Targeting Black Voters CENSORED By Google

adminMay 4, 20242 min read

Watch: Trump Ad Targeting Black Voters CENSORED By Google

This is just more blatant election interference by Big Tech.

A new campaign promo released by a Trump PAC targeting black male voters in Georgia has reportedly been censored by Google Ads.

The short ad by Make America Great Again Inc. shows a disaffected Democrat voter calling into a Biden campaign office to air his grievances about Biden’s prioritization of illegal aliens over the needs of U.S. citizens.

Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden.

Let’s make it go viral.

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 4, 2024

Google Ads has reportedly removed the ad on Friday over a “policy violation.”

NEW: This ad has been removed by Google for a “policy violation”. It was live in the Google archive this morning but I just looked and it’s now been removed.

Super PAC spent over $15K targeting it at specific communities near Macon, GA after launching it on April 25th.

— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) May 3, 2024

“Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden. Let’s make it go viral,” Donald Trump Jr. posted on X.

MAGA Inc. spent over $15,000 targeting the ad at specific communities near Macon, GA after launching it on April 25th, according to NBC’s Election Unit reporter Andrew Arenge.

This is just more blatant election interference by Big Tech that likely won’t result in any meaningful Republican pushback.