
Biden Campaign Says They Will SHORTEN His Speeches

Biden Campaign Says They Will SHORTEN His Speeches

adminMay 5, 20243 min read

Biden Campaign Says They Will SHORTEN His Speeches

Handlers doing more damage control on Biden’s cognitive decline.

The Biden campaign team has admitted that they are looking to shorten his speeches, presumably to limit the visibility of his cognitive decline.

The campaign, however, insists they simply want to prioritize “quality over quantity.”

“Our campaign believes in quality over quantity,” Biden Deputy Campaign manager Quentin Fulks told MSBNC on Saturday. “We believe that these touches, these smaller things that are getting to the point about what is going on in the stakes of this election are gonna be easier for the voters to tap into.”

NBC reports Biden’s handlers are “looking to shorten his speeches” to limit his public displays of cognitive decline.

A Biden campaign spokesman insists it’s about “quality over quantity.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 4, 2024

Given Biden’s speeches are already conspicuously short, how much shorter can his speeches really get?

Is that..possible?

I suppose they can just have him show up, smile, crap his pants and leave.

— JD Sharp (@imjdsharp) May 4, 2024

I guess they can’t shorten his responses in press conferences since he hardly gives any.

— Kelkat (@Tweetytweeter63) May 4, 2024

Biden’s speech writers get paid double for 1/2 the work. His next speech is simply hello, goodbye.

— Mike Leigh Torres (@MikeLeighTorres) May 5, 2024

Seriously (?). What about that agreement to debate DJT … how’s that going to work?

— Jeffrey Hale (@JonsonCrik) May 5, 2024

Apparently, they no longer have the option of hiding Biden in the basement.

— jon charles baker (@paulkeres155) May 4, 2024

This comes days after reports emerged that Biden was using a team of “walkers” to flank him on his way to Marine One to hide his “shuffling gait.”

From The Telegraph:

Traditionally, presidents approach the helicopter alone to give photographers a clearer shot but Mr Biden’s team became concerned that footage of him walking alone emphasised his shuffling gait and could worsen concerns about his age, Axios reported.

They said that walking slowly across the grass alone made Mr Biden look older.

The team has reportedly tasked a team of advisers also travelling with Mr Biden to walk alongside him for the Marine One shot, obscuring Mr Biden’s legs.

Nevertheless, Biden claimed last week that he’d be “happy” to debate former President Donald Trump ahead of the 2024 election, a prospect that has many Democrats worried.


Watch: Alex Jones Interviews Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine

adminMay 5, 20241 min read
Infowars founder and the legendary rock icon discuss the New World Order and how to stop it.

Rock icon Dave Mustaine, frontman for heavy metal titans Megadeth, talked with Alex Jones in 2009 about his own personal awakening to the New World Order.

Alex Jones Interviews Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 5, 2024


U.S. Government Mandates Preferred Pronouns in All Workplaces

U.S. Government Mandates Preferred Pronouns in All Workplaces

adminMay 5, 20244 min read

U.S. Government Mandates Preferred Pronouns in All Workplaces

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issues pronoun mandate for workers, employers and even customers in first move in 25 years.

The U.S. Government has mandated the use of preferred pronouns in every workplace in America in a clampdown on ‘discrimination’ against transgender people under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. John Murawski in UnHerd has more.

As of this week, failing to respect a queer person’s non-binary pronouns is the newest form of workplace discrimination recognised under the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act in the United States.

The new pronoun mandate for workers, employers and even customers was issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as part of the civil rights agency’s first move in a quarter-century to bring its workplace guidelines up to date with legal precedent and evolving social norms.

The 189-page document, which is technically legally non-binding but spells out the agency’s policies on investigating discrimination complaints, says that misgendering must be repeated and intentional, not a slip of the tongue, to rise to the level of workplace harassment. In its guidelines, the EEOC also decreed that it’s discriminatory for an employer to deny a transgender person access to a bathroom they feel best matches their gender identity, even if that invades the privacy of the other workers, or, in some cases, conflicts with another employee’s religious convictions.

The new standards were adopted on a 3-2 vote, along party lines, after the investigatory panel received some 37,000 public comments on the updates proposed last October.

With this dramatic decision, it’s no exaggeration to say that queer theory — the provocative academic idea that rejects the normativity of heterosexuality — is now firmly ensconced into U.S. law and American society, at least in the bluest and most urban areas with the most educated residents and top-paying jobs.

The EEOC’s decision is the consequence of decades of queer scholarship and legal manoeuvring to gain civil rights protection and social acceptance for behaviours once deemed as deviant but increasingly seen as liberated from archaic, repressive conventions. The agency said banning misgendering and bathroom restrictions for trans people “logically extends” from the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2020 Bostock ruling that added sexual and gender identity as a protected category under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Worth reading in full.

Depressing stuff. Hard to understand how in a supposedly federal system like America, the central Government can stipulate that every workplace in the country – and customers as well – must conform to confused people’s gender fantasies. But there you have it.

Personally, I blame Neil Gorsuch, the supposedly conservative originalist Justice who joined with the liberals in Bostock (he actually wrote the majority opinion) in arguing that constitutional protections for sex applied equally to gender identity.

His facile logic? That it is impossible for an employer to make an adverse employment decision based on “transgender status” without thereby discriminating “because of sex”, since a man who suffers adverse treatment because he “identifies” as a woman is treated differently than he would be if he were a woman who “identifies” as a woman.

Er, yes, Neil. But the point is he isn’t a woman. This point of mere biological fact was lost on such a lofty legal mind, unfortunately – and now a country of 350 million is living with the idiotic and tyrannical consequences.

France Sends Troops to Ukraine Frontlines

France Sends Troops to Ukraine Frontlines

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

France Sends Troops to Ukraine Frontlines

100 of 1500 Foreign Legion troops are now in Ukraine

France has officially deployed 100 soldiers of the Foreign Legion to the frontlines in Ukraine, where they will offer support to the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade.

Although the initial deployment is just 100 artillery and surveillance experts, around 1,500 French soldiers from the Legion are scheduled to be deployed in Ukraine.

President Macron has been repeatedly rebuffed in his calls for NATO countries to send troops to Ukraine. He has stated publicly that “nothing should be excluded” as a potential response by Ukraine’s NATO allies.

The official US position is still that it opposes sending troops to Ukraine, other than in an advisory role.

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Carmakers Sharing Location Data with US Government without Warrants

Carmakers Sharing Location Data with US Government without Warrants

adminMay 5, 20243 min read

Carmakers Sharing Location Data with US Government without Warrants

A number of carmakers are sharing location data from their cars with the US government, without the need for a warrant

A number of carmakers have confirmed that they are sharing location data from their cars with the US government, solely on the basis of subpoenas. This means that a judge does not have to provide approval for the data to be shared.

Toyota, Nissan, Subaru, Volkswagen, BMW, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Kia are sharing location data with authorities, without a warrant, The Leading Report revealed on Friday.

Democrat Senators Ron Wyden and Edward Markey sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission at the end of April asking that the body investigate the practice in greater detail, in order to ensure that Americans are offered consistent legal protections with regard to their personal data.

“Since 2014, the industry pledged to require a warrant or court order before turning over vehicle location data to law enforcement agencies, except in emergencies or with customer consent,” the letter reads.

“But recent investigations by our offices confirmed that only some of the car companies are honoring this commitment. Other companies revealed they turn over Americans’ location data to the government with a mere subpoena, which does not require a judge’s review and approval.”

The letter then notes that the “The significant differences in privacy protection by the different automakers are a result of the current state of federal privacy law.”

“Congress has failed to act to protect Americans’ privacy, and the Supreme Court has yet to issue clear guidance on whether the Fourth Amendment applies to all government surveillance of Americans’ location data. While the Supreme Court’s 2018 Carpenter decision confirmed that the Fourth Amendment applies to some location data, the Court declined to issue a clear, across-the-board warrant requirement, for example, when the government seeks data for a one-week period or less.”

The senators note that only some car companies, such as Tesla, will tell customers if they have received a request for vehicle location data, and even then Tesla will still comply with judicial gag orders preventing the disclosure of such information.

The letter urges the FTC to “consider holding these companies’ senior executives accountable for their actions.”

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New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women

New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women

adminMay 5, 20242 min read

New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women

Pfizer’s Abrysvo vaccine is recommended for pregnant women

A new study suggests that Pfizer’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, known as Abrysvo, may be linked to premature birth in pregnant women.

The study found that the average time between vaccination and premature birth in pregnant mothers was just three days. Two-thirds of cases occurred within the space of a week.

Pfizer’s RSV vaccine was approved for pregnant women in August 2023. A month later, the CDC recommended that it should be administered to pregnant women in weeks 32-26 of their pregnancies to protect babies from RSV after birth.

For the new study, Canadian researchers used the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database to assess adverse events following vaccination with the RSV vaccine during the period 1 September 2023 to 23 February 2024.

Of a total of 77 reports included in the database, over half of which were classified as serious, premature birth was the most frequent adverse event associated with pregnancy. Other pregnancy-related adverse effects such as cervical dilation and hemorrhages were also reported.

Dr. David Healy, a drug safety expert and author of the book Pharmageddon, told The Defender that every RSV vaccine developed in the last 60 years has had serious side-effects.

“It looks like our latest efforts to overcome these problems have not helped and are leading to preterm births which have lifelong knock-on effects along with more serious RSV infections in children where these should be harmless.”

“Sixty years ago we recognized the problems and stopped. But now we seem determined to press ahead regardless,” he added.

 “The intense push to get these vaccines means we will all have affected family members—this is not an abstract concern,” he added.

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