
IDF Caught Training U.S. Police Military Tactics To Deal With Americans Who Criticise Israel

IDF Caught Training U.S. Police Military Tactics To Deal With Americans Who Criticise Israel

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

IDF Caught Training U.S. Police Military Tactics To Deal With Americans Who Criticise Israel

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is secretly training U.S. police how to use Israeli military-style tactics to deal with Americans who dare to criticize Israel. According to Chris “Adequate Citations” Martenson, PhD, (@chrismartenson), the ADL […]

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DOJ Admits Biden Ordered Them To Tamper With Evidence in Trump Classified Docs Case

DOJ Admits Biden Ordered Them To Tamper With Evidence in Trump Classified Docs Case

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

DOJ Admits Biden Ordered Them To Tamper With Evidence in Trump Classified Docs Case

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team admitted on Friday that crucial evidence in Trump’s classified documents case was manipulated at the behest of the Biden regime. The tampering of evidence left two different chronologies; one that was […]

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Chris Cuomo Says He Now Has Full-Blown VAIDS Following COVID Shot

Chris Cuomo Says He Now Has Full-Blown VAIDS Following COVID Shot

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

Chris Cuomo Says He Now Has Full-Blown VAIDS Following COVID Shot

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo has revealed that he contracted Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a direct result of taking the mRNA Covid jab.  Cuomo was once a high-profile advocate of the Big […]

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<div>Trump Declares Democrats Can Only Win Election With ‘Gestapo’ Tactics & Voter Fraud — Sunday Night Live</div>

Trump Declares Democrats Can Only Win Election With ‘Gestapo’ Tactics & Voter Fraud — Sunday Night Live

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

<div>Trump Declares Democrats Can Only Win Election With ‘Gestapo’ Tactics & Voter Fraud — Sunday Night Live</div>

We’ll also cover polls showing more and more Americans are worried about an impending civil war, especially if Biden “wins” the election. Tune in!

Chase Geiser breaks down Trump’s dressing down of Democrats as a “Gestapo administration” who can only win the 2024 election with lawfare and voter fraud as Biden sinks in the polls. We’ll also cover polls showing more and more Americans are worried about an impending civil war, especially if Biden “wins” the election. Tune in!

Tune into this live broadcast at MadMaxWorld.TV and spread the word!

Martial Law Alert: 42% of Americans Say Civil War Imminent, Alex Jones Warns The Threat Is Real — Must-Watch Sunday Live!

Martial Law Alert: 42% of Americans Say Civil War Imminent, Alex Jones Warns The Threat Is Real — Must-Watch Sunday Live!

adminMay 5, 20241 min read

Martial Law Alert: 42% of Americans Say Civil War Imminent, Alex Jones Warns The Threat Is Real — Must-Watch Sunday Live!

Today’s topics include Trump calling out Democrats’ “Gestapo” tactics to win 2024 election and GOP senators rejecting Joe Biden’s plan to resettle Palestinian refugees in the U.S.

Alex Jones breaks down the latest polls showing 42% of Americans believe a civil war is imminent in the U.S. within five years, with many others believing it’s more likely under a second Biden term than in another Trump term. We’ll also cover the latest waterfront of news and breaking developments, so tune in and share this link!

#AlexJonesShow: Martial Law Alert: 42% of Americans Say Civil War Imminent, Alex Jones Warns The Threat Is Real

— Must-Watch Sunday LIVE!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 5, 2024

Tune into this live broadcast at MadMaxWorld.TV and spread the word!

Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’

Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’

adminMay 5, 20243 min read
Israel’s 3-step plan seeks to rebuild Gaza into a major trade center and integrate it into the Middle East economy.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday released a utopian plan for a rebuilt Gaza called “Gaza 2035.”

The Prime Minister’s Office published a 9-page PowerPoint file describing a future where Gaza is de-radicalized from Islamism, transformed into a trade hub of prosperity and innovation and integrated into the Middle East’s economy.

The “Gaza 2035” plan seeks to leverage Gaza’s geopolitical role in trade routes between Cairo and Baghdad, and Europe and Yemen.

Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’screenshot/Prime Minister’s Office

The documents lay out three steps to return Gaza to self-governance and economic growth.

The first step would see 12 months of humanitarian aid, where Israel would slowly create safe areas in Gaza from north to south.

Second, a 5-10 year reconstruction process supervised by a coalition of Arab states (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, and Morocco).

“The plan is to move Israeli security responsibility to Israel, while the Arab Coalition will create a multilateral body called the Gaza Rehabilitation Authority (GRA) to oversee the reconstruction efforts and manage the Strip’s finances,” the Jerusalem Post reported.

Imagescreenshot/Prime Minister’s Office

“The GRA is to be run by Gazan Palestinians and will take responsibility for managing the safe areas. This will be done in coordination with the implementation of a ‘Marshall Plan’ and a deradicalization program.”

The third stage, termed “Self-governance”, would see Israel retain the right to act against “security threats.”

“Power would slowly be transferred to either a local Gaza government or a unified Palestinian government (including the West Bank). However, this is contingent on the successful deradicalization and demilitarization of the Gaza Strip and will be subject to agreement by all parties,” the JPost reported.

Planned infrastructure and trade routes, from the PMO's plan fro post-war Gaza, May 3, 2024. (credit: screenshot)Planned infrastructure and trade routes from the PMO’s plan for post-war Gaza. (screenshot/Prime Minister’s Office)

At that point, the Palestinians would fully manage Gaza independently and join the Abraham Accords, although the plan does not explicitly call for the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state.

The utopian plan comes amid widespread demonstrations against Israel from pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses who argue the Jewish state is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.

Democrats have also called for Biden to take a firmer stance against Israel over its heavy-handed tactics against Hamas in the Gaza Strip in the form of indiscriminate bombing of buildings and humanitarian sites.

It remains to be seen if the Palestinians will accept such a plan given they’ve rejected numerous proposals by Israel in the past, including a so-called “two-state solution.”

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