
<div>Transgender Convicted of Murder & Rape Files Lawsuit Demanding to be Released Into General Population of Women’s Prison</div>

Transgender Convicted of Murder & Rape Files Lawsuit Demanding to be Released Into General Population of Women’s Prison

adminMay 8, 20245 min read

<div>Transgender Convicted of Murder & Rape Files Lawsuit Demanding to be Released Into General Population of Women’s Prison</div>

Prison officials defend their decision.

An 82-year-old transgender inmate serving three consecutive life sentences at the Topeka Correctional Facility (TCF) has filed a discrimination lawsuit against the Kansas Department of Corrections, demanding to be released into the general population of the women’s prison.

Thomas Preston Lamb, who identifies as Michelle Renee Lamb, committed a series of heinous crimes dating back to the late 1960s, including the kidnapping and murder of Karen Sue Kemmerly, a 24-year-old student at the University of Kansas-Missouri, in December 1969. Lamb abandoned Kemmerly’s naked body in a cornfield, which was discovered five days later, on Dec. 7. 

(Related: Transgender pedophile arrested for production, distribution and possession of child pornography.)

Following this, Lamb kidnapped 18-year-old Patricia Ann Childs in January 1970, demanding a ransom and subjecting her to sexual assault before her release to her family. Despite his violent history, prison officials “quietly” transferred Lamb to the TCF in 2023 following gender reassignment surgery.

Lamb is now accusing TCF and the Kansas Department of Corrections of discrimination for placing him in restricted housing instead of with the general population of female prisoners. In a handwritten complaint dated September 2023, Lamb argued that his classification as a security risk amounted to a “hate crime” against him.

“This is a grievance against everyone involved in placing me on OSR [other security risk] and HR [housing restriction] status and keeping me on this status for what is now six months,” he wrote. “I request I be placed on general population status immediately, and all information used to place me on this OSR status be removed from my file.”

In another grievance letter submitted during the same month, Lamb claimed that the limitations imposed on him were excessively stringent, leading to heightened anxiety, skin rashes, elevated blood pressure, and a heightened risk of heart attack or stroke. He further indicated that his exclusion from the general women’s population had triggered chronic diarrhea.

“I have had numerous bouts of diarrhea due to my high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress caused by this toxic and restrictive environment. I’m being treated as if I’m public enemy number one here at TCF, being escorted by two officers all the time. I feel miserable and wake up crying at night. I’m denied the most basic need, especially for us females: the need to have close contact and relationships with other females.”

Prison officials defend their decision

Before filing the lawsuit, Lamb allegedly attempted to coerce prison officials into meeting his demands through threatening letters. In these letters, Lamb offered TCF Reentry Coordinator Angela Golightley and the supervisor for his Unit Team Manager Linda Hull-Viera, who had filed the disciplinary report against him, an out-of-court settlement in exchange for the removal of his security risk status, support for parole release and transfer to the general population.

“Come see me so we can come to an agreement, and this can all stop now. It’s up to you,” Lamb wrote to Golightley.

Failure to comply, Lamb warned, would “send the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) a copy of my lawsuit.”

In turn, prison officials cite Lamb’s history as a sex offender and his conduct within the facility, including repeated violations of no-contact orders and sexual harassment of female correctional officers, as reasons for his separation from the female population.

The decision to separate Lamb was made due to concerns about his behavior and security risk classification, which make him a potential threat to other inmates. Despite efforts to integrate him into the general female population, his conduct remained problematic, leading to his continued placement in restrictive housing.

Court records reveal instances of Lamb violating prison rules, including lewd conduct with a female inmate and persistent sexual remarks toward female officers. Despite being provided with hormone therapy and female clothing to address gender dysphoria, his behavior has raised concerns about his interactions with female prisoners.

In response to the lawsuit, Warden David McCabe stressed the accommodations provided to him, including access to medical and mental health practitioners, outdoor time and group interactions. McCabe urged Lamb to engage in positive activities to improve his situation and potentially have his security risk status removed.

Learn more about the latest news for other trans threats against American society at

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The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican

The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican

adminMay 8, 20241 min read

The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican

Pope Francis has invited California Governor Gavin Newsom to speak at the Vaticans annual climate change summit. The Pontiff does not seem to mind that the California Democrat’s social progressive track record includes championing transgender […]

The post The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican appeared first on The People’s Voice.

Exclusive! ‘People Were Dying Within Hours From The Shots’ Warns Hospital Whistleblower

Exclusive! ‘People Were Dying Within Hours From The Shots’ Warns Hospital Whistleblower

adminMay 8, 20241 min read

Exclusive! ‘People Were Dying Within Hours From The Shots’ Warns Hospital Whistleblower

Revelations like this are the reason why many refer to the Covid vaccinations as ‘lethal injections’.

During his Tuesday show, Alex Jones interviewed medical coder, auditor, educator and manager, Zowe Smith, who blew the whistle on medical mass murder related to the Covid death shot.

“I could see timestamps and the timestamps were like, very short periods of time, so when you said early on in the show that patients were dying within a few hours,” she said. “It doesn’t even feel good to be vindicated about being right, I kind of wish that I wasn’t right, I wish that so many people didn’t have to die.”

Don’t miss:

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Finnish MP on Trial For Sharing Bible Verse Against Homosexuality

adminMay 8, 20245 min read
Päivi Räsänen warned at a talk hosted by the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and Family that ‘the more we keep silent’ about biblical truths, ‘the more powerful is the reaction. So it doesn’t help to be silent.’

(LifeSiteNews) — Finnish MP and former Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen, who is being prosecuted for posting a Bible verse condemning homosexuality, called on Christians to courageously share the truth on controversial issues in the face of persecution.

In a talk hosted by the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and Family, Räsänen told the story of her ongoing court case in Finland and encouraged Christians to boldly speak out despite possible retaliation.

She said, “The most dangerous threat to this freedom is self-censorship,” stressing that “now is the time to use these freedoms.”

Räsänen recalled a case from 2013 when she was interior minister and the leader of the Christian Democratic Party in Finland. She spoke at a church event about the Christian view on abortion and marriage and said that “all of us have come across situations in life when we have had to consider whether we have the courage to act contrary to public opinions or norms, and sometimes even the law, if this contradicts the Word of God.”

“In Acts, it is described how the authorities refused to allow the Apostles to preach about Jesus, but Peter and the other apostles replied, ‘We must obey God rather than men.’”

Räsänen said that after her talk, “over 40 complaints about my speech were made to the parliamentary ombudsman accusing me as a minister [of] inciting to break the law.”

The ombudsman ruled that her comments fell within her right to religious freedom.

Currently, Räsänen is awaiting her trial in front of the Finnish Supreme Court after she has already been acquitted twice in court. The former interior minister is being charged with “hate speech” for a 2019 tweet and for writing a pamphlet in 2004 called “Male and Female He Created Them.” As a member of the Finnish Lutheran church, Räsänen had addressed the church leadership and criticized its official sponsorship of the LGBT event “Pride 2019,” accompanying her criticism with a photo of Bible verses from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans condemning homosexuality.

Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola is being charged alongside Räsänen for publishing the 2004 pamphlet defending marriage as being exclusively between one man and one woman. In a recent exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Pohjola called on Christians to defend marriage and traditional sexual morals.

READ: EXCLUSIVE: Lutheran bishop on trial for ‘hate speech’ in Finland urges Christians to defend marriage


During the initial police investigation, Räsänen was asked if she would recant her views, but she sternly refused.

“I stand behind these teachings of the Bible. Whatever the consequences are, I will not apologize for what the Apostle Paul has stated,” the Finnish politician said in her talk hosted by the John Paul II Academy.

She warned that a conviction in her case “would open the floodgates to a ban on similar publications.”

Räsänen explained the prosecutor did not just go after her individually for “hate speech” but argued that affirming biblical teaching publicly would be a criminal offense.

“The prosecutor claimed in court that my views are known as a doctrine, which she defined and summarized as ‘Love the sinner, but hate the sin.’ And this doctrine she regarded as insulting and defaming because according to the prosecutor, you cannot make a distinction between a person’s identity and his or her action. If you condemn the act, you also condemn the human being and regard him or her inferior.”

Räsänen pointed out that the prosecutor’s argument “goes against the Christian view of man, and also against common sense.”

“This court case has at its core, at the core of the trial, is the question of whether it is allowed to share the teaching of the Bible and publicly agree with them,” she stated.

The Finnish politicians and a grandmother of 11 children stressed that protecting the right to freedom of expression is necessary to spread the faith.

“Protecting the right to speak freely, is not only necessary for the flourishing of society, but especially essential to proclaiming the Gospel,” she said. “So I want to encourage you to use your foundational freedoms and rights.”

“The more we keep silent about the teachings of the Bible and the painful issues of our time, the more powerful is the reaction. So it doesn’t help to be silent. Christians need to encourage one another to stay strong in Jesus.”

READ: Finnish politician to stand trial a third time for sharing Bible verses on homosexuality

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Trump Classified Document Trial Postponed Indefinitely Days After ‘Mishandled Evidence’ Bombshell

Trump Classified Document Trial Postponed Indefinitely Days After ‘Mishandled Evidence’ Bombshell

adminMay 8, 20242 min read

Trump Classified Document Trial Postponed Indefinitely Days After ‘Mishandled Evidence’ Bombshell

The finding comes after Cannon ordered a review into whether the FBI may have seized legally privileged records in response to a request from Trump co-defendant Walt Nauta.

One day after postponing a filing deadline in Donald Trump’s classified documents case, Judge Aileen M. Cannon has postponed the whole thing indefinitely.

In a Tuesday decision, Cannon vacated (canceled) Trump’s May 20 trial date, and wrote that setting a new date given the enormous stack of pre-trial matters would be “imprudent.”

NEW: Judge Cannon officially vacates May 20 trial date, says setting a new date with so many outstanding matters would be “imprudent.”

— Julie Kelly ?? (@julie_kelly2) May 7, 2024

On Monday, Cannon postponed a filing deadline for Trump’s team to provide a list of classified documents they want to present at trial – which was supposed to be filed by this Thursday. Cannon did not announce a new deadline, perhaps the first clue into today’s decision.

The move also comes after special counsel Jack Smith’s team admitted that the classified files at the heart of the case had been tampered with, and they needed more time to assess that revelation.

Smith also misled the court, after originally telling U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon that the boxes remained “in their original, intact form as seized,” when in a footnote they conceded that they removed classified documents and left placeholder sheets, which prosecutors acknowledged has created an “inconsistent” record – in which some of the documents are no longer in the same order as they appear in digital scans made in the fall of 2022.

“The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court,” the footnote reads, according to Just the News.

The finding comes after Cannon ordered a review into whether the FBI may have seized legally privileged records in response to a request from Trump co-defendant Walt Nauta.

Breaking! MSNBC Calls For Trump Death – Roger Stone Responds

Lithuania Ready to Send Troops to Ukraine

Lithuania Ready to Send Troops to Ukraine

adminMay 8, 20243 min read

Lithuania Ready to Send Troops to Ukraine

Lithuania is waiting for Kiev’s request to send in military trainers, the nation’s prime minister has said.

Lithuania is prepared to deploy its soldiers on Ukrainian soil for a training mission, Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte.

French President Emmanuel Macron floated the idea of having NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine in February, arguing that nothing should be excluded to prevent a Russian victory in the conflict. The Lithuanian government has similarly stated that there should be no red lines in efforts to aid Kiev.

Speaking to the British newspaper, Simonyte said she has parliamentary permission to deploy soldiers in Ukraine, but has not received a request from Kiev. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal told Canadian media last week that his nation would be “glad” to see Western intervention “if the time comes.”

Lithuania is among the Western nations that regularly resort to rhetoric Russia regards as belligerent. Last month, one of its ambassadors published a post on social media which implied that the strategic Crimean Bridge would soon be destroyed – one of Kiev’s key goals. The comment followed US approval of $61 billion in Ukraine-related spending and the revelation that it had supplied more mid-range ATACMS missiles to the country.

Read more Russia to hold nuclear drills to ‘cool hot heads’ in West – Foreign Ministry

This week, the Russian military announced a surprise drill to test its ability to deploy non-strategic nuclear weapons. Moscow said it was a response to “threats” from Western officials, including Macron and British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who told the media last week that Ukraine “has the right” to use arms donated by the UK to strike targets deep inside Russia.

In her interview, Simonyte said she was not concerned about Moscow’s reaction to the possible Lithuanian deployment. “Every second week you hear that somebody will be nuked,” she remarked.

The prime minister reiterated that Vilnius was “keen to help Ukraine, to ensure that it has the potential to renew its armed forces.” She denied that her government was considering deportations of Ukrainian citizens, since forcing them to go home to fight Russia “would not be legal.”

Ukrainian mobilization efforts have been undermined by draft avoidance and public resistance to the heavy-handed approach shown by conscription officers, as shown in multiple video clips circulating online. This week, the military recruitment center in Khmelnytsky Region in western Ukraine threatened prison terms of up to eight years for filming its officers at work.

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