Category: News

Biden: Netanyahu Hurting Israel More than Helping

The US president, however, insists that he will continue supporting the Jewish state no matter what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing Israel more harm than good by ignoring civilian casualties in Gaza amid the ongoing war with Hamas,…
Alex Jones Channels Obi-Wan

In one of the most powerful segments of The Alex Jones Show, Alex channels Obi-Wan Kenobi and quotes his mother's Spartan advice, "Come home with your shield or on it". In one of the most powerful segments of The Alex…
NATO Preparing for US To Quit the Bloc

The US will leave NATO if Donald Trump is re-elected this November, several diplomats from the bloc’s member states have warned. Europe’s NATO countries are being urged to develop a strategy to deal with the [...] The post NATO Preparing…
UK Gov’t To Make Independent Media Illegal Under New Terrorism Law

The British government is broadening the definition of “terrorism” to include content produced by independent media outlets which exposes corruption within the government. A proposal presented by Communities Secretary Michael Gove is spearheading the campaign [...] The post UK Gov’t…
WATCH: Democrats Test Martial Law In New York

Democrat governor deploys national guard to quell violent crime brought on by Democrat soft-on-crime policies -- problem-reaction-solution! Alex Jones was right again. In this segment of a Saturday Emergency Broadcast, Alex Jones dives deep into the globalist agenda and highlights…