Category: News

Carbon Tax Canada: Increasing Cost Sparks Protests

Canadian citizens who are barely scraping by are being thrown to the wolves financially as CARBON TAX increases go into effect. Increases to Canada’s controversial carbon tax have gone into effect Monday leading many in the country who are already…
Scotland: No Country for Young Men

Police Scotland will target young men with "with ideas about white-male entitlement" under the new Hate Crime Act. Scotland recently took a giant step towards becoming one of the most restrictive countries in Europe. The adjective ‘Orwellian’ trips too easily…
UK Spending Tens of Millions on Woke Research

One paper on “the Europe that gay porn built” was awarded nearly a million euros. Britons struggling through the ongoing cost-of-living crisis might struggle to understand why more than £750,000 (€880,000) of taxpayers’ money has been handed to an academic…
Russia Tells US To ‘Stop Lying’

Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov has claimed that the US mantra that Russia must change its behavior to improve relations with the West disregards the fact that Washington has for years willfully ignored Moscow’s core interests. [...] The post Russia Tells…