Category: News
With gold still holding near its historic all-time highs, central banks led by China are buying the top to fortify themselves against a global monetary and financial blow-up. In investing, “Buy low, sell high” is among the most well-known sayings,…
Our public health agencies chose to prioritize a failed policy of reducing the spread rather than reducing the mortality or the lockdown and school and business closure harms, which led to unnecessary and avoidable damage to millions of lives. In…
Official British government data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) comparing “Deaths by Vaccination Status” reveals that people vaccinated against Covid-19 with mRNA vaccines are dying far more often than those who are unvaccinated. [...] The post UK Gov’t…
Idiots are running America into the ground Alex Jones presents video footage of Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee asserting that the moon is mainly made of gas during the total solar eclipse.
Bill would have extended warrantless surveillance of foreigners and U.S. citizens overseas for 5 years. The House of Representatives blocked House Speaker Mike Johnson’s push to bring the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reauthorization bill to the floor on Wednesday. The…
Letter admittedly signed by Daniels denies affair ever happened. Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday exposed an official letter from ex-porn star Stormy Daniels denying an affair with the real estate mogul ever took place. “LOOK WHAT WAS JUST FOUND!…
“This is the government waging war against the people directly, here they are bragging about it, and it’s hiding in plain view," Jones says. Alex Jones joined Steve Bannon’s War Room to break down the undercover video exposing a CIA…
Same Prime Minister that wore black face and gave standing ovation to actual Nazi war criminal comes after Infowars founder. Infowars’ Alex Jones replies to Justin Trudeau after the Canadian Prime Minister condemned him as a “conspiracy theorist and liar”…
Wholesome Trump encounter goes viral Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump stopped by an Atlanta, Georgia, Chick-fil-A location to grab a bite to eat, chat with employees and buy other patrons their lunch in the process. Donald Trump at Chick-Fil-A:“It’s the Lord’s…
Gun-savvy social media users spot numerous things wrong with photo promoted by DoD branch. The US Navy deleted a photo Tuesday after social media users highlighted a commanding officer improperly holding a rifle that was also incorrectly assembled. The photo…