Category: News

Biden Preparing Massive Amnesty for Long-Term Illegals

Over a million long-term illegals could be offered legal status as soon as Tuesday The Biden administration is preparing to announce one of the largest amnesties in American history for illegals, sources told CBS News. The plan would offer legal…
Hunter Biden Drops Laptop Lawsuit Against Rudy Giuliani

Hunter Biden had accused Giuliani of being "primarily responsible" for destroying his digital privacy -- claims that have now "been withdrawn and proven to be entirely false," says Giuliani spokesperson. Hunter Biden’s lawyers moved to dismiss a lawsuit against Rudy…
Global Economic Crisis: Saudi Arabia Dumps The Dollar

Kirk Elliot lays out how Saudi Arabia's decision to ditch the U.S. dollar for oil trade imperils the future of America's economy and the U.S. dollar's status as the world reserve currency -- tune in! Economist Kirk Elliot joins The…