Category: News

New Vaccine Lab for ‘Disease X’ Unveiled in UK

Comes ahead of World Economic Forum meeting warning of possible emergence of new pathogen that could be 20x deadlier than Covid. A new facility has been constructed in the UK that will conduct vaccine research for an unknown pathogen dubbed…
Taiwan’s ‘Anti-China’ Candidate Wins Presidential Election

Vice President Lai Ching-te is to become the self-governing island's new leader following Saturday’s election. Lai Ching-te of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been elected as the self-governing island’s new leader following Saturday’s presidential election. Lai, who entered…
Schism Emerges Among US Allies After Yemen Attacks

Several nations opt to distance themselves from bombing of Yemen While several countries assisted in the recent US-UK bombing of Yemen, several nations opted to distance themselves from the questionable actions. The Netherlands, Australia, Canada and Bahrain rendered material support…