Do We Need 3% Inflation?

The long-run consequence of expansionist monetary policies is a reduction in savings, capital consumption, a lower future standard of living, and possibly the breakdown of the currency itself. “As long as it is kept within certain limits, inflation is an…
Kamala’s Secret Masonic Police Scandal Gets Even Weirder

Evidence shows Kamala Harris worked directly with a Masonic group in Los Angeles that operated an illegal shadow police department that aimed to set up shop in 33 different states including Mexico City. The scandal surrounding Kamala Harris’ connection to…
The Dragon Behind The DNC

Like John the Revelator, we are marveling at the beast. Does the dragon in The Book of Revelation represent the Communist Chinese? The Democrats have deep ties to Communism. Kamala Harris and her Marxist cohorts are setting us up for…
Kamala’s Dad Praised Karl Marx In Pro-Communist Essay

Watch footage of Kamala Harris' father discuss how the world financial system should be "changed" and "altered" to benefit Third World countries! Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ father Donald J. Harris praised socialist theoretician Karl Marx, according to records obtained…
The Folly Of Legislating Against Unfairness

Legislating for fairness, in reality, operates to the detriment of private property rights. In A Cure Worse Than The Disease: Fighting Discrimination Through Government Control, M. Lester O’Shea criticizes the notion that we should legislate against unfairness. He poses the question…