The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes

Prudent national, provincial, and community public health leaders everywhere should welcome a decision to scrap the current proposals, undertake a serious reflection on what just happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, and begin anew. The new Pandemic Agreement and revisions to…

"“The traders who are selling gold and silver still don’t understand why the prices are rising in the first place. It doesn’t matter when the Fed cuts rates. It doesn’t even matter if they do cut rates. They never have…
The Consequences of California’s New Minimum Wage Law

The unintended costs of this well-meaning legislation will be borne by residents of low-income California neighborhoods, including reduced job opportunities, unemployment, fewer dining choices, and stunted business growth in areas where these ventures originated. The law that establishes California’s minimum…

Una nueva investigación demuestra que los “árboles al revés” se originaron en Madagascar y luego se dejaron llevar por las corrientes oceánicas hasta llegar a África continental y Australia.