Donald Trump has promised to release evidence proving that the JFK assassination was an inside job by the CIA if he is reelected President in 2024. In a new campaign video, Trump promises to obtain [...] The post Trump Vows…
Jay Dyer breaks down the history 'sex-pionage,' blackmail and lesser-known history of Jeffrey Epstein. Jay Dyer of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the history of sexual blackmail and the Jeffrey Epstein case. The globalists are increasing their…
Pushing for a CBDC. The European Union (EU) has been known to waste a lot of money on wrong or even hopeless causes, and opponents of centralized digital money (CBDCs) must be hoping that the digital euro, which has just…
The "very definition of tyranny..." Elon Musk’s SpaceX has filed a lawsuit against a federal agency alleging that it’s out of control in violation of the constitution. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has a panel of judges which hear cases brought against companies…
Hablar con los ancianos como si fueran niños es una interacción falsa, tediosa y estúpida. Cuando me resistí a hacerlo con mi abuela nuestra relación dio un giro feliz hacia conversaciones inesperadas.
The deliberate dumbing down of America is unfolding right before our eyes. The average IQ of college students and college graduates has fallen so much in recent decades that it now matches the average IQ of the general population, a…
Skip the jabs and save your heart... Another heart problem linked to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” has made it into the annals of science. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, the clinical presentation of which resembles that of acute myocarditis, is listed in a new study as having…
Find out what's in the latest batch! Documentary filmmaker Jason Bermas joins The Alex Jones Show to break down what was in the 4th round of newly released Epstein documents.
Will the presidential frontrunner listen to the warning? Former Congressman Steve King joins The Alex Jones Show to call on Trump to fight the UN land grab happening in America’s heartland in the name of climate change.
Aun así, los médicos recomiendan aplicarse las nuevas vacunas por su eficacia con las variantes actuales y para reducir el riesgo de covid prolongada.