Now We Are Supposed to Cheer Government Surveillance?

'Somehow – call me naive – I just didn’t expect the New York Times to be all-in on the immediate establishment of the surveillance state and universal censorship by the “awesome” Deep State.' They are wearing us down with shocking…
Why Do Some COVID-19 “Vaccine” Side Effects Resemble Symptoms of HIV?

"COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging," researchers wrote. A case report published in the AIDS Research and Therapy journal reveals that…
WHISTLEBLOWER: CIA Collaborated With China To Release COVID-19

Former Biden stenographer Mike McCormick breaks down how the CIA worked alongside the Chinese military to intentionally release COVID-19 into the world. Mike McCormick, a whistleblower who used to be Joe Biden’s stenographer, joined The Benny Show this week for…
Divide and Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News

Americans should beware of letting others—whether they be television news hosts, political commentators or media corporations—do their thinking for them. “It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all…
1968 Returns as Biden’s Nightmare

Andy Schlafly highlights eerie parallels between summer of unrest and today Politics repeats itself, and the presidential election of 1968 has returned as Biden’s nightmare. On Monday, student protests shut down in-person classes at Columbia and disrupted Yale, New York…
Breaking: FDA Says Bird Flu Found In Cows Milk

Comes weeks after Avian flu was detected in a human after the man was in contact with dairy cows. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an alert Tuesday which indicated that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5)…