Don't let this November rob the Republic of democracy and freedom. The “New World Order” as George H.W. “Poppy” Bush put it, is in full effect right now, and these Satanists want the Republic of the United States to look…
Film exposes global agenda to replace humans with AI, warns of human eradication. Did you know there is an official agenda, one which is heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and…
La exestrella del fútbol llegó a un acuerdo promocional con la franquicia de gimnasios de la que es copropietario el actor, pero las cosas se descarrilaron rápidamente.
Bad actors in Trump's orbit exposed Tom Renz joins Alex Jones live to expose Susie Wiles’ connections to the World Economic Forum as she advises President Trump.
Si Trump fuera encarcelado, un destacamento de agentes trabajaría 24 horas al día dentro de las instalaciones para garantizar su seguridad, señalaron varios funcionarios.
Senator Jacqui Lambie called for Elon Musk to be jailed for allowing footage of a priest being stabbed by a radical Islamist to be shared freely on the X platform. Australian Senator Jacqui Lambie called for Elon Musk to be…
Nearly two in five (38%) U.S. renters don’t believe they’ll ever own a home, up from roughly one-quarter (27%) less than a year ago. Bidenomics 101: the American dream of owning a home has become the American nightmare for almost half…
A North Carolina appeals court has controversially upheld a ruling involving a 14-year-old boy who was forcibly vaccinated against his will and without the knowledge or consent of his parents. The court ruled unanimously that [...] The post Appeals Court…
Meet Biden's new handler! The Biden White House recruited socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to campaign with the 81-year-old puppet president in Virginia, where the two were seen holding hands and chumming it up in the woods. Socialist Sen. Bernie…
Burglary suspect faces $100,000 bail, as activists highlight Bass has previously supported bail reform. Social media users are crying foul after an intruder who broke into the home of Democrat Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is set to face the…