Nadie pudo escapar de Swift en el último año. Con el lanzamiento de “The Tortured Poets Department”, su más reciente (y larguísimo) álbum, algunos parecen sentirse por fin fatigados.
The global elite are planning to force humanity to eat feces and drink urine, according to a World Economic Forum insider who claims that if you thought the prospect of eating bugs was bad, you [...] The post WEF Insider…
'It was a total victory for the war party.' Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul delivered a scathing rebuke of House Speaker Mike Johnson after he crossed the aisle to vote with Democrats on a $95 billion foreign aid package, contrary…
"You are working with and for people out to destroy the country, and it is obvious now as the nose on your face that the House Republicans want Trump to lose," he says. “War Room” host Steve Bannon went scorched-earth…
Jones explains how he predicted one of the most pivotal events in US history. Infowars radio host Alex Jones walks listeners through his thought process and the research that went into one of his most astonishing predictions.
"I think the demonization of Ukraine began by Tucker Carlson..." says Senate GOP minority leader. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) criticized Tucker Carlson for fomenting doubt about the Ukraine conflict among Republican ranks because it delayed the passage of…
Scott Lively advocates unity around founding principles to thwart secular humanist elite. The biggest news domestically this week was that Robert Kennedy Jr. got on the ballot in Michigan with the help of the Natural Law Party. Most Americans have…
Don't let this November rob the Republic of democracy and freedom. The “New World Order” as George H.W. “Poppy” Bush put it, is in full effect right now, and these Satanists want the Republic of the United States to look…
Film exposes global agenda to replace humans with AI, warns of human eradication. Did you know there is an official agenda, one which is heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and…
La exestrella del fútbol llegó a un acuerdo promocional con la franquicia de gimnasios de la que es copropietario el actor, pero las cosas se descarrilaron rápidamente.