El actor, quien se ha convertido en un foco del movimiento #MeToo en Francia, será juzgado en octubre bajo acusaciones de que agredió sexualmente a dos mujeres durante el rodaje de una película en 2021.
En una declaración conjunta, los presidentes de EE. UU. y de México se comprometieron a abordar la migración no autorizada, pero no especificaron ninguna acción concreta.
'I am angry because I had to get the JAB in order to travel to keep my JOB,' says model and entrepreneur Florencia Tarque. A 29-year-old influencer slammed the Covid-19 jab on social media after cardiologists reportedly blamed the shot…
Decision comes after judge declared mistrial last week in case of 75-year-old rancher facing second-degree murder charges. Prosecutors in Arizona on Monday said they won’t retry George Alan Kelly, the rancher who was recently on trial for shooting and killing…
Learn what the Deep State has planned for the 2024 and beyond and how to prepare for the chaos. Alex Jones explains how the Deep State is putting Americans on a collision course toward race-based civil war as the Democrat…
Peter Schiff joins Alex Jones to reveal how to prepare for the collapse of the US Dollar. Economist Peter Schiff joined The Alex Jones Show on Monday to warn Americans to prepare for an inflationary depression set to dwarf past…
"Government agencies, media, and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective," AZ GOP resolution states. The Arizona Republican Party on Sunday overwhelmingly passed a resolution declaring the COVID-19 mRNA injections…
Las agencias internacionales de desarrollo se han reunido con empresarios y urbanistas de Medio Oriente para trazar un futuro económico para el territorio.
A Gates Foundation insider has revealed America’s food supply will be deliberately infected with bird flu to spark the next pandemic and pave the way for Bill Gates’ next money-spinning vaccine to conquer the global [...] The post Gates Insider…
El líder español, un progresista con fama de sobreviviente político, se había planteado dimitir por unas acusaciones de corrupción contra su esposa que, aseguró, son una calumnia.