Hay pocos estudios donde se analicen lo efectivos que pueden ser los remedios caseros o trucos de las antiguas parteras. La mayoría son más mitos que realidades.
We'll also cover the latest World War III developments, the Trump show trials, the border crisis and much more -- tune in! Chase Geiser lays out how the stage is being set by the Deep State and globalists to launch…
Socialist leaders circumvent democratic process by appointing Lilian Seenoi-Barr of Kenya as Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council. The appointed Mayor of Derry, Ireland has pledged to go after Irish patriots who are protesting unfettered mass migration. Lilian…
Meanwhile the world has awoken to the UN Replacement Migration plan to turn the West into a Tower of Babel and complete the planet's journey into neo-feudalistic slavery -- tune in! Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists are fomenting…
"There's a section in the Pfizer documents where there's an 80% miscarriage rate of the women whom they're following to term," she says. Dr. Naomi Wolf joined a panel of experts at the Wellness Company’s Spike Symposium last June to…
“The stakes couldn’t be higher every single one of us has roles to play — a serious role, to play in making sure democracy endures, American democracy. I have my role, but with all due respect, so do you,” he…
President Trump leads Joe Biden 42% to 33% including third party candidates. Former President Donald Trump is handily beating Joe Biden in the latest CNN poll by a margin of 9 points if third-party candidates are included. In a two-way…
Diss track lets “everyone know that even Afroman is fed up with the way the Democrats are running the country." Rapper Afroman released a new track last week mocking the Biden Crime Family and Washington D.C.’s corruption. Released via Baste…
Globalists' desire to overthrow the West ensured with mass migration of people who will bring its fall about. Thousand of Muslims marched in Hamburg on Saturday while calling for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in Germany. Protesters gathered in…
"Political correctness is a war on noticing," says Steve Sailer My cat has developed this awful habit. Whenever she wants something, she finds the nearest wooden surface—a door, the side of a bookcase, my acoustic guitar—and starts to paw at…