The Biden campaign has refused to commit to having Joe Biden undergo a drug test before the debate with former President Donald Trump. Trump had called for Biden, who’s been hunkered down at Camp David [...] The post Biden Campaign…
The US Defense Department is unable trace $62 million worth of weapons given to Ukraine according to a watchdog report. The conclusions of the report, released on Wednesday, were presented by the Pentagon inspector general [...] The post Watchdog: US…
First 2024 presidential debate serving as fodder for spicy memes! Unhinged CNN debate moderators treat Donald Trump with hostility, while handling Joe Biden with kid gloves, according to a satirical video depicting how Thursday’s debate might play out. A satire…
Moscow is considering downgrading diplomatic ties with the West, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned. Citing hostile policies of the US and its allies Ryabkov said: “We have not initiated such a step [...] The post Russia Warns…
Fake insomnia drug claims it will help restless sleepers by showing them videos of the Democrat puppet president's press conferences. People having trouble catching Z’s should try the new sleep drug “Bidenica,” jokes a satirical ad shared by former President…
21-year-old male suspect caught at southern border in 2023 and released into U.S. An illegal alien released into the U.S. under Joe Biden has been charged with strangling a fellow Ecuadorian and burying her body in a community park in…
El más pequeño de los dos fue avistado este mes y podría ser visible con binoculares cuando pase cerca de nuestro planeta, a poca distancia de la Luna.
Physiological characteristics of the bacteria in the intestinal tract influence psychological states. A study published Friday details findings that indicate a good brain–gut microbiome (BGM) influences psychological characteristics such as resilience to stress. “Our findings support a multi-omic signature involving…
Además de la ayuda a los dueños de las mascotas, contar con un terapeuta atrae a veterinarios y otros trabajadores. El sector es estresante y las tasas de suicidio son superiores a la media.
Ambos candidatos se han mostrado ansiosos por esta revancha: el presidente Joe Biden ha intentado centrarse en sus planes marcadamente diferentes para Estados Unidos, y Donald Trump sigue atacando el historial de su rival.