El mismo día en el que presentó al presidente ucraniano Volodímir Zelenski como “presidente Putin”, Biden cometió otro desliz.
El presidente Joe Biden, en una comparecencia de casi una hora, no dio indicios de que fuera a considerar la posibilidad de retirarse y defendió los logros de su gestión.
"If all of a sudden, I show up at the convention [and] everybody says ‘we want somebody else,’ that’s the democratic process..." President Biden told reporters during his ‘Big Boy’ press conference Thursday that it would simply be the “democratic…
More than 100 million Americans agree that the Covid-19 vaccine “is killing large numbers of people” according to the results of the latest Rasmussen national survey which reveals the people are slowly but surely waking [...] The post More Than…
COVID-19 mRNA shots have caused 30 deaths for every child they purportedly saved from Covid, according to the testimony of a world-renowned doctor. Dr. Brian Hooker told a US Senate roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. [...] The post Leading Doctor…
El plan, impulsado por un grupo político conservador, detalla reformas extremas del poder presidencial. La plataforma de campaña republicana coincide con algunas de ellas.
Watch & share President Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ press conference has been reportedly delayed a second time amid a surge of calls from Democratic lawmakers issuing statements for him to step out of the race. JUST IN – Dozens of Democratic…
Watch & share! Alex Jones breaks down Democrats’ latest attempt to use the votes of illegal aliens to secure the coming presidential election: RELATED: House Passes SAVE Act That Bans Noncitizen Voting in Federal Elections Breaking VIDEO! Democrats Caught Using…
Puppet president commits severe gaffe moments before his "Big Boy" press conference President Joe Biden just referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” in front of NATO leaders Thursday. NOW – Biden: “And now I want to hand…
Sus rasgos delicados y su peculiar presencia en la pantalla la convirtieron en una figura popular en las películas de la década de 1970, sobre todo en las de Robert Altman.