La tormenta tropical atravesará Estados Unidos esta semana, debilitándose gradualmente.
'Welcome to the mid 20th century, New York!' Residents of the Big Apple will now have the option to throw their refuse in specially designated receptacles known as “trash cans” rather than on the streets. An investigation into New York…
"One way to stop getting people to focus on [Biden] being 81 and possibly having issues with his acuity is just to call him a big boy," Fox News reporter Peter Doocy mocks. Biden lackeys Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby…
Watch & share this vital intel! Renowned economist Kirk Elliot joined The Alex Jones Show Monday to share how to avoid common scams in the industry and what to expect from the coming boom in the silver market: More: Respected…
La expansión de SpaceX en el sur de Texas ha dañado el medio ambiente y violado acuerdos iniciales, afectando tierras protegidas y a la fauna local.
The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg said that she supports Joe Biden for president even though he became the first president to soil himself in public and his cognitive decline means he can no longer form [...] The post Whoopi Goldberg…
Watch & share this exclusive harrowing account! Former Biden stenographer Mike McCormick joined The Alex Jones Show Monday to detail the covert crimes and infighting he witnessed while working in the White House during the Obama-Biden administration: Don’t miss: Alex…
"It doesn’t matter how angry you get with me. I’m not going to confirm a name! It doesn’t matter if it’s even in the log. I am not going to do that from here," says Biden press secretary. White House…
Russia's Defense Ministry (MoD) is vehemently denying that its missiles struck the hospital The war in Ukraine continues on a downward spiral, taking another grim and tragic turn, amid widespread allegations that Russian forces destroyed a children’s hospital in Kiev…
El esfuerzo de la campaña de Joe Biden por cuestionar la capacidad de Donald Trump para gobernar se ha convertido en una evaluación sobre la propia competencia del presidente.