World Bank Advisor Praises Pakistan’s Digital ID Push

Pakistan’s DPI project is next expected to produce a nationwide digital health records system, among several other initiatives. The introduction of digital public infrastructure (DPI) – that’s the buzzword preferred by the EU, the UN, WEF, and Gates Foundation, as they…
Trump Reacts to Biden Exiting Race

The Republican presidential candidate mentioned in a phone call to CNN that he believes Vice President Kamala Harris will be easier to defeat. Minutes after US President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 race, former President and Republican…
Poll: 1/3 of Democrats Wish Trump Had Died

A third of Democrat respondents agreed with the statement, “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed" A full third of Democrats wish Trump had been killed last weekend. According to a poll conducted by Unherd, a third of Democrat respondents agreed…

Cuando salió la nueva campaña masculina de Loewe, protagonizada por un Craig melenudo y chic, suscitó reacciones tanto entre los amantes de la moda como entre los aficionados a Bond. El sentimiento general fue: ¿qué le pasó al agente 007?