Hollywood celebrity Sharon Stone has threatened to leave the United States of America in favor of Europe if former President Donald Trump wins in November because she claims the Republican presidential nominee “wants his own [...] The post Sharon Stone…
Delicious! Biden campaign co-chair Chris Coons (D-Del.) cried on air Sunday following Joe Biden’s announcement that he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. “Joe Biden is grounded. He’s grounded in his faith, in his family, and in our state,”…
Sen. Ron Johnson has accused the Secret Service and FBI of covering up the truth about the Trump assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, declaring that ballistics evidence suggests there were “multiple shooters” engaged in a coordinated [...] The post Sen. Johnson:…
Lo que resalta de ella es, sobretodo, que no se ajusta al molde muy específico de feminidad que se ha convertido en norma en el mundo de Trump.
Tonight and tomorrow, Alex Jones will reveal information he received from highest levels of Trump campaign, active duty Army Special Forces command, and federal sources -- tune in now! Alex Jones breaks down how high-level sources within the Defense Department…
Las películas de desastres son éxitos taquilleros emocionantes, pero la realidad de un clima cambiante es una tragedia en cámara lenta, de burocracia fallida y tedio constante.
El presidente de EE. UU. despejó el camino para un sucesor. Respaldó a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, pero aún podría haber una contienda para determinar quién será el nominado.
The chemtrails agenda has been hiding in plain sight for decades. Everybody who has been paying attention has noticed the strange and unnatural patterns in the sky above cities and regional centers. But the mainstream [...] The post Top Pilot…
El presidente de EE. UU. anunció en las redes sociales que abandonaba su intento de reelegirse. Lee aquí el texto íntegro traducido.
"While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the…