The Transgender Weaponization Crisis

The Deep State is running a bizarre psyop In the blink of an eye, we are suddenly asking, “Why the sharp uptick of gender dysphoric mass murderers?”
‘Murder Season’ Ramps up in China – Expert Warns

A violent crime wave is sweeping China as the communist country seeks to hide its cultural rot from international eyes. Sino expert and former resident of China Winston Sterzel has been reporting on the violent crime wave sweeping Chinese streets…
Learn How to Save America’s Soul With Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne

Spiritual problems can't be solved with political solutions. Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne discussed how America’s spiritual problem within politics must be solved with spiritual solutions when he guest hosted the Alex Jones Show Tuesday. Don’t miss: World War III: The Big…
Major League Baseball Begins Biometric Facial Recognition Scans

A new controversial form of ticketing that raises privacy concerns. Technology developed by a company called NEC has been utilized to introduce biometric ticketing on the opening day of the 2024 Major League Baseball (MLB) season. This pilot was undertaken at…
The Increasing Prevalence of Autism

Autism, a broad spectrum of social ineptness, has its roots in the brain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of autism among U.S. children has risen significantly in recent years. As Statista’s Felix Richter reports, while 6.7 in…