Una nueva criptomoneda llamada $Libra le estafó 250 millones de dólares a los inversores. Fue promovida por el presidente de Argentina.
New York Prosecutor Maurene Comey - whose father James Comey famously refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information & then participated in the Russia collusion hoax - joined the prosecution against Combs. The younger Comey has previously worked…
The order will establish a national language for the first time in the nation’s 250 year history.
Como cónyuge de un actor merecedor de dos Oscar, evitaba las entrevistas y se mantenía alejada de las redes sociales. Pero en privado, mecanografiaba las novelas de Hackman y ayudaba a editarlas.
The British government has authorized police to begin arresting citizens who spread ‘misogynistic content’ on social media. The Office of Communications (Ofcom) has declared misogyny to be a ‘hate crime’ and has urged social media [...] The post British Gov’t…
Will the Trump administration follow through with a transparent release of ALL the files?
Plus, emergency message to Kash Patel: Anthony Weiner's laptop is the key to unlock revealing info from Epstein documents.
The deep state is a cornered rat.
A Sudanese national attempted to push a woman onto train tracks in Paris in the latest example of this type of attack disproportionately committed by foreign nationals across Western Europe.
Or, has he been sent to the white house to simply protect the pedophile command base that is the UK government?