Just days after the election Trump vowed to dismantle the department.
Suspect identified only as 'male in his 30s'
Explosive government documents reveal that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID and USAID funneled over $40 million in taxpayer funds to a Wuhan scientist—just before he became COVID’s infamous “patient zero” and the virus ignited a global [...] The post FOIA Docs…
Al enfrentarse a una posible guerra comercial con Estados Unidos, su mayor socio comercial, la mandataria mexicana consiguió una tregua importante para su país.
Por generaciones, esta ha sido la principal agencia gubernamental estadounidense para la entrega de ayuda humanitaria. Ahora el nuevo gobierno está tomando medidas para cerrarla.
Poland did not invite a delegation from Russia to attend last weeks ceremony commemorating the liberation of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the decision to bar Russia from the event [...] The post Putin Slams…
Deep State criminal Victoria Nuland may soon be brought to justice after Trump admin shined spotlight on corruption.
Texas congresswoman also called President Trump a white supremacist and said 'mediocre white boys' only ones crying about DEI policies.
Las medidas incluyen aranceles sobre el carbón, el gas y otros productos estadounidenses, restricciones a las exportaciones de algunos minerales y una investigación antimonopolio sobre Google.
While it's now official, Alex Jones had been exposing the Wuhan Lab coverup since January 2020, before many have even heard of Covid.