Currently, all eyes are focused on flights to central America, but it could demonstrate how far the new president is willing to go, in terms of costly cross-continental flights all the way to southern Asia.
The covert methods are exposed in bombshell interview.
The FPÖ is pushing for stricter citizenship laws and key ministerial control in coalition talks with the ÖVP — but talks have hit a stumbling block over who gets the top jobs.
Fíjate bien en las dos primeras semanas del segundo mandato de Donald Trump y verás algo muy distinto a lo que él quiere que veas.
A los 20 años, el príncipe Karim al Hussaini heredó las riendas de un linaje musulmán chií y utilizó su emprendedurismo para convertirse en uno de los gobernantes herederos más ricos del mundo.
Rubio calls out USAID as a global, not American institution.
The migrant received €200 as a gift from his sister, which he used to buy crack at Karlsruhe Central Station in Baden-Württemberg. He then proceeded to smoke the drug and allegedly grabbed a child’s shoulder violently. He was then ordered…
Hawley’s bill raises alarms over free speech with harsh penalties for AI use.
Failed migration policies as well as the EU’s inability and unwillingness to defend the 27-member bloc’s external borders may have reached their limit.
La temporada del premio se ha convertido en una batalla campal en la que detectives de las redes sociales y ejércitos de simpatizantes desentierran errores del pasado, tuits malintencionados y clips perjudiciales.