Mauranne Harel and Laura Paumie were murdered by a Tunisian national in 2017, and now an Algerian has been sentenced for defacing their memorial.
Rumours about a split between Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff have grown after it was reported Emhoff has taken a job with a big New York law firm and has been touring apartments in Manhattan
EU tightens censorship with the Digital Services Act, ramping up hate speech laws and "fact-checking" measures, targeting online speech.
Argentina’s President Javier Milei delivered a stunning rebuke to globalist ambitions
Trump’s executive order explicitly stated that the 14th Amendment is being misused to grant citizenship to so-called “anchor babies”
President Trump has pardoned 23 pro-life activists who were convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances or FACE Act
Se sabe que los humanos inventan gestos privados con las manos. Un nuevo estudio sugiere que los chimpancés salvajes también lo hacen.
A diferencia de Biden, Trump considera que la posibilidad de captar la atención de los periodistas en un momento dado es una de las mejores partes de su trabajo.
Mike Waltz, asesor de seguridad nacional, sugirió a principios de este mes que nada importa más que el apoyo de su personal a las políticas de Trump.
Rusia está perdiendo más hombres. Pero cada baja ucraniana acerca más al Kremlin a la victoria.