A fire department spokesperson described conditions as a "battlefield."
Despite the Norwegian ship's apparent willingness to assist, a complex interplay of maritime authorities led to the ship's crew not being immediately rescued.
They also tied up the victim's 12-year-old son.
Operation Choke Point was first launched in 2013 by the Department of Justice (DOJ) under the Obama administration. Its stated goal was to combat fraud by targeting industries deemed “high-risk” by federal regulators.
The matrix of control deepens daily, but so does the awakening. The question is: Which spreads faster—the programming or the awareness of it? Our future as a species may depend on the answer.
A Tesla cybertruck exploded outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas on Wednesday, forcing an evacuation of the luxury high-rise. The blast, which killed the driver and injured seven people, is being investigated as [...] The post Tesla Cybertruck…
La guerra ha convertido a Birmania en un paraíso para la delincuencia transnacional, con toda clase de actividades ilícitas, desde la producción de drogas hasta centros de ciberdelincuencia y más.
Si tienes poco tiempo y espacio, aquí tienes una forma barata y eficaz de ponerte más fuerte.
2024 nos trajo increíbles acontecimientos astronómicos y avances en aeronáutica espacial. ¿Qué podemos esperar este año?
Llevan décadas bailando “charme” al son del R&B en la periferia de la capital brasileña. Ahora, una nueva generación de bailarines está reviviendo —y transformando— el ambiente.