La empresa dijo que seguiría al gobierno de Trump en el cambio de nombre del golfo de México una vez que se actualice el nuevo nombre en fuentes gubernamentales.
President Trump is taking powerful actions bringing the war to the forces that seek to destroy America -- tune in and share this link!
"I have decided to move on," fake news reporter stated.
Restaurants, markets, and construction sites in Illinois, Arizona, Texas and elsewhere show the vast scale of the illegal alien crisis in America.
Austin Mayor Pro Tem Vanessa Fuentes evidently opposes federal efforts to remove criminal illegals wanted for violent offenses.
Alternative media outlets have correspondents set to ask questions for first time.
USAID officials identified several actions that "appeared to be designed to circumvent the President’s Executive Orders and the mandate from the American people," according to acting administrator, Jason Gray.
También ordenó al Pentágono cancelar los programas de diversidad, reincorporar a miembros del servicio despedidos por negarse a recibir la vacuna contra la covid y crear un nuevo sistema de defensa antimisiles.
The Elites have been told they must seize control of global challenges under the guise of “improving the state of the world.” During his speech at this years Davos event, World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder [...] The post Klaus Schwab…
This man must be charged with crimes against humanity.