El acuerdo resuelve una parte clave del prolongado final de su muy público romance hollywoodense.
Es el último martes del año y no hay tiempo que perder: estas son las noticias para estar al día.
En un viaje a Colombia para ver la producción de Netflix de “Cien años de soledad”, a una reportera le asaltaron recuerdos de lugares verdaderos.
El estado de Jason Peña, de 14 años, es crítico. En el ataque murieron su padre y su tío, ambos ciudadanos estadounidenses, y un familiar mexicano.
Cities across the US and Europe, many of which rarely experience fog, are now blanketed in thick, eerie mists that refuse to lift, even during daylight hours. While the media scrambles to dismiss it as [...] The post Chemtrails Pilot…
The United States must start new wars in the Middle East, redeploy tens of thousands of troops, and spend hundreds of billions of dollars on regime change wars because of the terror attack in New [...] The post Lindsey Graham…
The CIA has been secretly working with ISIS terrorists on US soil to launch an ‘inside job’ attack in America, according to journalist Lara Logan. In the aftermath of the Bourbon Street mass murder, in [...] The post Lara Logan:…
The mass murder that took place in New Orleans in the early morning of New Year’s Day was committed by an ISIS terrorist who was allowed into America via Biden’s open borders, according to reports. [...] The post They’re Back!…
El flujo de gas natural ruso a Europa se interrumpió el miércoles, después de que Ucrania se negara a renovar un acuerdo que le permitía pasar por su territorio.
Alex Jones warns more Islamic Deep State attacks against Trump will be forthcoming!