Blas Jaime lleva casi dos décadas resucitando el chaná, una lengua indígena de Argentina que aprendió de su madre.
documents describe how the modern digital censorship programs were created, and the various roles of the military, U.S. intelligence agencies, civil society organizations and commercial media STORY AT-A-GLANCE Documents received by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutentag and Matt Taibbi…
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden: 'Let's call for the shots to be pulled off the market' The launch of Operation Warp Speed in late-2020 brought with it in the years following a serious and seemingly inexplicable public health crisis that Dr.…
Para el novelista mexicano, el auge, la caída y el renacimiento de Tenochtitlan quizá sea la obsesión más importante de su vida. Su más reciente novela ahonda en ese momento histórico.
Competency is no longer the primary requirement considered for employment in the airline and commercial aircraft manufacturing industries. As a commercial pilot, I had hoped the new year would usher in a wave of renewed sanity, safety, and a brighter…
This flashback show segment highlights Jones' knack for seeing what's coming next Alex Jones predicted the future slave system being built for humanity back in 2009. Barter will be outlawed, dissent criminalized, and all people’s locations will be tracked via…
Una página de Facebook registra la muerte de decenas de repartidores de comida y anima a las personas a colocar memoriales de su muerte en los lugares donde se accidentaron.
We The People are in control of our destinies, not the maniacal elite Alex Jones lays out how humanity is rejecting bug protein, robots replacing their jobs, and electric cars, causing the globalists’ technocracy to falter.
The establishment is shoving technology people don't like down their throats People don’t like self-checkout systems because they actually prefer interacting with humans. Alex Jones details how refusing to cooperate with the anti-human agenda will destroy the globalist regime.
The World Economic Forum has declared that anybody who promotes a “different perception of reality” and questions the authority of “experts” should be considered “more dangerous” than a terrorist in 2024. The World Economic Forum [...] The post WEF Claims…