Israel tiene una de las mejores defensas del mundo contra misiles y cohetes, pero mantiene dificultades para detectar aviones no tripulados que se mueven más lentamente, dijeron los expertos.
La brecha diplomática se ha agudizado repentinamente a medida que Canadá amplifica sus acusaciones de que India dirige operaciones letales en el extranjero.
Soldados israelíes y exdetenidos palestinos dicen que las tropas obligan regularmente a gazatíes capturados a realizar tareas que ponían en peligros sus vidas, incluso dentro de los túneles de Hamás.
The world government plans to bring in third-worlders.
U.S. District Court Judge Regina Rodriguez determined that Denver Public Schools has a free speech right to put LGBTQIAAP2S+ pride flags on classroom walls, and no obligation to give differing views representation.
"Today, we note that about half of the territory occupied by the enemy has been liberated," one Russian general has claimed.
The University of Nottingham's “content note” on The Canterbury Tales is “demeaning” and “weird,” critics say.
Regardless of the validity of these claims, Tim Walz is a creepy goober.
The agency should rename itself to 'LGBTFEMA'.
As the masses finally wake up to the dangers of fluoride the eugenicist brain-damagers fight back.