The 22-year-old suspect accused of murdering his teen ex-girlfriend had already booked a flight to Algeria leading prosecutors to suggest the killing was premeditated.
Aliens will undoubtedly vote for the candidate inviting them in.
Nearly 270,000 California residents left the state for another last year
Homosexuals, pedophiles, and other individuals who use foreign surrogates to obtain children face jail time and fines under Italy’s new law backed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, which expands a ban on domestic surrogacy.
Global war tensions are higher than ever before.
Teachers show kids pedophile sex books as part of the LGBTQIAAP2S+ agenda.
The Hill / Decision Desk model predicts Trump has a 52% chance of winning as opposed to Harris's 42%
There has now been a disturbingly high number of instances of Western-based and/or majority-funded organizations, formal (like the UN), or informal but powerful ones, “testing abroad” the tech that they know would face serious and strong opposition at home.
The accused is appealing the revocation of his asylum status but does not have "the necessary travel documents" to be deported even if he loses.
61-year-old grandfather Peter Lynch shouted at police and bore a placard accusing them and other establishment groups of being "corrupt"