Yamandú Orsi, el candidato de centro izquierda, no alcanzó el umbral del 50 por ciento frente a su principal contendiente, Álvaro Delgado, de la coalición de centroderecha del gobierno actual.
See all the best moments from a night that will be forever remembered.
Trump also discussed his opponent, Kamala Harris, whom he described as a train wreck that destroys anything in her path. Under her leadership, Trump said, both young men and young women will be drafted to die for foreign countries.
El incendiario mitin fue el colofón de una campaña cada vez más agraviada para Trump, cuya retórica se ha vuelto más sombría y amenazante.
Berlin’s police commissioner Barbara Slowik has warned that immigration levels in Germany have put a severe strain on resources. During an interview with RBB, the leading law enforcement chief claimed that the country had reached [...] The post Germany Has…
Michelle Obama has been attacking men and lecturing women claiming that voters who don’t support Kamala Harris are racist & sexist! Big Mike, who admitted being a ‘little angry’ at the hesitation to vote for [...] The post Michelle Obama…
Democrats and media claim event was a 'Nazi rally' ripe with 'racism.'
Jones believes the red wave will capsize the boat-load of Democrat vote fraud.
A new long-term study assessing the association of vaccines with reported cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) found that “most vaccines” were associated with GBS, and that reports of vaccine-associated GBS have been “increasing steadily over time.”
Kamala poses as a woman of the people when in reality she has a vendetta against the people.