As predicted by experts, power companies are beginning to take control of internet-enabled thermostats, turning off people’s air conditioning remotely to force them to comply with the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 restrictions. Rather than [...] The post Power Companies…
La Asociación Internacional de Estibadores recibió una nueva oferta salarial y suspenderá su paro en los puertos de la costa este y del golfo, que comenzó el martes.
Getting a blood transfusion or organ transplant likely means (indirectly) getting the Covid vaccine.
It has been claimed by those on-location that dead bodies litter the area, plans are underway to bulldoze and seize the land by the federal government, some of the limited aid shipments are being seized at gunpoint by hungry people…
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Las declaraciones informales del presidente hicieron notar el poder de sus palabras y la rapidez con que se propagan por el mundo.
On the ground sources called into the Alex Jones Show to report the devastation they're witnessing.
La semana pasada, el presidente de Rusia pareció rebajar el umbral para el uso de armas nucleares por parte de su país. No fue sutil, ni pretendía serlo.
Historic event to take place as GOP nominee heads back to city where he was shot by would-be assassin Thomas Crooks.
Several school districts in Arizona hide students’ gender confusion from parents, according to a new report, and some even allow ‘transgender’ males to use girls’ bathrooms and to room with girls on overnight trips.