Aunque desde hace mucho tiempo ha utilizado el miedo como herramienta para agitar a su base conservadora e influir en los votantes indecisos, Trump ha llevado sus profecías apocalípticas a un nuevo extremo.
Alex Jones warns: "The globalist Deep State just took their war on free speech, our very identities and our very freedoms to the next level."
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The economy must detox from decades of artificial and cheap credit, wasteful government spending, and insufficient saving.
The elite status of US currency has been taken for granted and is being eroded by policies that create inflation as well as sanctions that exclude other nations from participating in the global economy that America dominates through its money.
We should support policies that encourage entrepreneurship and small business growth.
Posh Massachusetts islands crawling with dangerous illegal aliens
La decisión se produce mientras aumenta la presión política para recortar los programas que permiten a los migrantes permanecer temporalmente en Estados Unidos, incluso sin visa o tarjeta de residencia permanente.
"It is unfathomable that a 10-year-old boy has been involved in this level of criminal activity without effective intervention," says Minneapolis police chief
"Americans are dying."