As the lockdowns dragged on from weeks into months, the haphazard nature of Governor Walz’s “essential” business classifications became glaringly apparent, showcasing blatant biases within his administration.
This month, Beyond retail credit cards, the average overall credit card rate is sitting about 21 percent. Of course, since those are merely averages, many credit card rates are much higher.
Today’s socialists see Donald Trump and his political followes as their main obstacle, so naturally they relentlessly label them as fascists and Hitler-like.
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Don't miss out on this epic Trump talk.
"Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather — we’re controlling the weather. It’s beyond ridiculous,” Biden says.
Newland mayor says his daughter, whose home was destroyed, only received $300.
Teen attending high school despite being previously arrested for carrying gun and threatening to kill fellow student.
Is the U.S. government violating international law?
En una apelación, los abogados de Combs señalaron que la decisión de un juez de negarle la libertad bajo fianza no se basaba en pruebas de que el magnate hubiera intentado interferir en la investigación.