Residents of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, who sued the city over a Verizon cell tower they claim made them seriously ill must bring their complaint to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for relief — not to the [...] The post Democrat Judge…
Big Pharma giant Pfizer has launched a mobile science “escape room” that travels around the country luring in young kids to be indoctrinated about the benefits of mRNA therapy. According to Pfizer, young students are [...] The post Pfizer Launches…
"Our family business is going down the tubes because the idiots in City Hall can't protect us," says upset deli owner.
After X, Brazil pushes out Rumble.
Former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has confimred that the US, UK and other Ukraine backers, told Kiev to abandon the deal reached at the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia. Nuland made the [...] The post Nuland Confirms…
Algunos dicen que soportarán de mala gana una presencia militar israelí de posguerra en el territorio si eso les permite volver a casa. A otros les preocupa otra ocupación a largo plazo.
Democrats receiving major backlash after illegal aliens captured on film devouring domestic animals.
La Unión Europea prohibió los empastes de amalgama de mercurio para proteger el medio ambiente. ¿Deberías preocuparte si tienes alguno?
Una corredora con discapacidad visual soltó brevemente la cuerda que la conectaba a su guía después de que él tuvo un calambre cerca de la línea de meta, lo que le costó la medalla de bronce.
Despite the Novavax shot being of a more traditional vaccine technology, the listed side effects on the manufacture's website read similar to what has become expected from the mRNA shots, including myocarditis, pericarditis and other 'serious and unexpected' side effects.