Tucker: Alex Jones Vindicated on Gay Frog Claims

"When is someone gonna call Alex Jones and be like: 'Hey Alex Jones, you were right about the frogs -- sorry'?" asks Carlson. Alex Jones’ once-controversial claims that chemicals in water are affecting frog sexuality have now gained acceptance in…

Los dos políticos, que habían sido demócratas progresistas durante muchos años, se unirán a los hijos del expresidente y al senador JD Vance, su compañero de fórmula, como copresidentes honorarios.
Finland Rules Out Sending Long-Range Weapons To Ukraine

NATO member Finland Finland is worried that it could be attacked by their neighbour Russia. Voicing concerns over its proximity to Russia as neighbor, Finland’s President Alexander Stubb has ruled out supplies of high-precision long-range [...] The post Finland Rules…
Oakland Man Pulls Gun On Teen Mob Jumping Him Outside Liquor Store

Might as well be an advertisement for the Second Amendment. Wild footage out of Oakland, California, shows why it’s important for many Americans to carry firearms for personal protection. ???LIQUOR STORE EMPLOYEE PULLS GUN ON MOB IN OAKLANDA California liquor…
Desperate World Elites and Operation Lock Step

False flag high level alert. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joining forces with the Trump campaign has been the most unifying act we’ve seen in America for years. “Don’t you want healthy children? And don’t you want the chemicals out of…