Is Increased Consumer Spending Good for the Economy?

Can we really spend our way out of a recession? Just about every so-called business periodical touts an increase in consumer spending as “good for the economy.” But is this really so? Can we really spend our way out of…
The UN’s Green Agenda Will Spark Famine

The history of centralized control and interference in the food supply, as Soviet and Chinese experience taught us, is a very poor one. “We The Peoples of the United Nations determined…to promote social progress and better standards of life in…
Inequality Is Caused By Inflation

Without government bailouts, banks would be unwilling to make loans that are unlikely to be repaid, thus limiting their willingness to loan large amounts of money into existence. Many claim the problem with fractional reserve banking is that it loans…
Are the Olympics a Trial Run for a 1984 Digital State?

First-person report of QR Codes, Digital IDs, and police militarization of Paris. This is a guest post from a friend who is on the ground in Paris reporting what the situation is like. The best way to begin might be…