Ron Paul: The Debate Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Americans

'Neither candidate seems to realize that the world has changed.' There were plenty of surprises in last week’s presidential debate. For one, Americans who rely on the mainstream media for their news learned that they had been lied to for…
The Impact of Interest Rates on Economic Growth

Interest rates are a basic market signal that represents the collective time preferences of people within an economy, not just another variable that can be changed at will. For many years, the relationship between interest rates and economic growth has…
The FED-Induced Housing Crisis

By raising the federal funds rate to combat their self-inflicted inflation, the Fed has driven up mortgage costs, making it harder for aspiring homeowners to secure a place in the housing market. While the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies are publicized…
Biden Will Run

The revelation of a "Biden oligarchy" behind the scenes doesn't mean Biden won't run It’s hardly news that the mainstream media lies, is it? But what’s more striking than the lies themselves are the contradictions, those moments when the mainstream…
Big Rig Hauling More Than 60 Migrants Busted Near Southern Border

Dozens of migrants from across Western Hemisphere found in "overcrowded conditions and high temperatures" at checkpoint outside Juarez Authorities discovered more than 60 migrants hiding in a big rig near the U.S.-Mexico border over the weekend. The bust unfolded on…