Yet more senile antics from Dementia Joe. Joe Biden accidentally read aloud stage directions during a national address Monday, further giving Democrats cause for concern over the aging president’s apparent cognitive decline. The senior moment unfolded as Biden delivered a…
Is France the Next Greece?

Greece’s sovereign debt crisis after the global 2008 implosion was characterized by an excessively high debt-to-GDP ratio, budget deficits, low growth, and an over-reliance on revenues from the tourism industry. French markets have found some relief after the first round…
Neurosurgeon: Biden ‘Undoubtedly Has Parkinson’s Disease Dementia’

Medical expert confirms Biden exhibits classic signs of mild Parkinson's dementia, such as the absence of facial expressions and 'gait instability.' President Joe Biden, 81, exhibits obvious signs of mild Parkinson’s disease dementia, a neurosurgeon claims. The medical expert, who…