The State of US Real Estate Is Not Good

The position of new home buyers in 2024 is unprecedented. Not only are prices at record highs, but the new generation of prospective home buyers can’t remember a time without cheap mortgages. The Home Buyers As reported by ZeroHedge recently, the NAR…
The Degenerative Disaster of Medicare

Medicare spending has grown exponentially since its creation under Lyndon B. Johnson. As of 2023, Medicare expenditures comprised 17% of the federal budget. In 2023, the U.S. spent 1.04 trillion dollars on Medicare, which is over $3,000 per citizen. For an inefficient,…
War and Inflation

You can line up 100 professional war historians and political scientists to talk about the 20th century, and not one is likely to mention the role of the Fed in funding US militarism. And yet it is true. [This talk…

New vending machine makes purchasing ammunition as easy as buying a bag of chips. A new vending machine that sells ammunition is turning heads inside an Alabama supermarket, offering gun owners a novel way to purchase ammo without having to…