Doctor Sounds Alarm After Diagnosing Turbo Cancer Every Week

Covid shots are documented in medical literature to cause cancer. Dr. Ben Marble sounded the alarm Tuesday about the fact he has been diagnosing new-onset cancers in patients basically every week since the Covid shot rollout in 2021. Dr. Marble…
BRICS Announces Plan to Form Parliament

New assembly would lead bloc's de-dollarization efforts and bolster its global influence. The BRICS group of nations is continuing its development into a geopolitical world power. On Thursday, the bloc announced its plans to create its own parliament to oversee the alliance and…
The Biden Titanic

Removing Biden is wise and needed for the country’s sake, but it will not solve the growing public anger at the left. Joe Biden’s escalating dementia and the long media-political conspiracy to hide his senility from the public are the…