5 Things That Most People Do Not Know About Kamala Harris

The national spotlight can be excruciatingly painful, and that is especially true if you have lots of skeletons in your closet. Who is she?  Even after serving as the vice-president of the United States for more than three years, Kamala…

Una iniciativa de ley del partido gobernante, aprobada esta semana, obligará a capturar, y en algunos casos sacrificar, a los cerca de cuatro millones de perros callejeros del país. Y muchos turcos no estamos de acuerdo.
Watch: Kamala Adopts Ghetto Black Accent in Atlanta

"You all helped us in 2020, and we gon' do it again in twenty twenty fouah," Harris told Atlanta voters. Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris donned an urban black accent while addressing rally attendees in Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday. pic.twitter.com/Z7i8SEA4tt—…