Watch: Sec. of State Blinken Plays Guitar in Kyiv Nightclub

PR stunt just a modern reimagining of the phrase “Fiddling while Rome burns.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken performed guitar with a Ukrainian rock band at a Kyiv nightclub on Tuesday. Joe Biden’s top diplomat joined the group 19.99 on…
‘Satanic, Evil’: King Charles Unveils Hellish Self-Portrait

Social media recoils at 'satanic' depiction of 75-year-old British monarch. King Charles III personally unveiled a peculiar self-portrait Tuesday that depicts him in a fiery setting, in what many are calling a demonic rendition. Footage showed the British monarch briefly…

Noelia Voigt renunció a la corona, motivando la salida de otras compañeras y serias dudas sobre el funcionamiento interno de la organización que maneja el certamen.
EXCLUSIVE: Emperor Of Diagolon Declares War On Trudeau

Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie discusses why PM Justin Trudeau has put a target on his and Alex Jones' backs -- tune in! Activist Jeremy Mackenzie joins Alex Jones on Tuesday to discuss why they both are at the top of…
Biden’s Ventriloquist Revealed

Joe Biden is merely a pitiful decoy America is being led by an incompetent and corrupt reanimated corpse who is the laughingstock of the entire globe. Also:

La escritora, acreedora al Premio Nobel de Literatura 2013, se distinguió por relatos breves de dimensión novelística que abarcaban décadas con intimidad y precisión. Murió a los 92 años.