The Money Supply Is Growing Again and the Fed Wants It that Way

What the Fed is doing now is probably best described as a “wait and hope” strategy. Money-supply growth fell year over year again in March, but March’s decline was the smallest money-supply drop recorded in sixteen months. Moreover, the money…
What’s the Point of the Administrative Class?

If society has learned anything over the past five or so years, it is that emergency plans are not implemented; they are tossed aside in moments of panic when they are most needed. The administrative class – at all levels,…
Can We Secure Property Rights without the State?

Those who defend the State as necessary to protect property rights should brush up on their history. You think you’re the legitimate owner of your residence until you come back from vacation and find squatters have taken over. Call the police…
‘Fully Vaxxed’ CNN Correspondent Alice Stewart, 58, Dies Suddenly

Police say Stewart suffered 'medical emergency' after body found outside near her home. CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, who once bragged she was “fully vaccinated,” died unexpectedly over the weekend. According to police in Virginia, Stewart’s body was found outside…
Ron Paul: The Vietnamization of Ukraine

As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight.…